[CHAT/ADMN] OKChat v3.0.7 - It only does everything chat-related! [1.0.0-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kalman Olah, Jul 26, 2011.

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  1. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    OC - OKChat
    by Kalman Olah​
    Latest version: 3.0.7 ( Download )​
    Would you like to buy me a drink? some useless stuff from Amazon? a car?​
    What is OKChat?
    OKChat is twenty plugins in one. If it's chat related, it can do it.

    OKChat supports Permissions, PermissionsEX, bPermissions and PermissionsBukkit.
    Where can I download OKChat?
    The latest version of OKChat can always be found here.
    Additionally, OKChat comes with an auto-updater which will download updates to the /plugins/OKChat/update/ folder.
    How do I set up OKChat?
    After you've extracted the .jar to your server's /plugins/ directory and have restarted your server OKChat will generate a config.yml file, which can be found in the /plugins/OKChat/ directory.
    This configuration file is fully commented and should be easy to understand for anyone.​
    How do I use OKChat?
    OKChat commands:​
    OKChat permissions:
    Check out OKChat on Github!

    Version 3.0.7
    • Attempted fix for "StringOutOfBoundsException". This is a java bug. Screw you, replaceAll.
    Version 3.0.6​
    • Fixed player list formatting. Turns out I had disabled it. Why? No idea.
    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler

    Version 3.0.5​
    • Added the config boolean "general.strip-log-color" to strip all color from logged chat. This feature sure is extremely useful.
    Version 3.0.4​
    • Priority overhaul to fix compatability with other plugins such as xAuth, modifyworld, mcMMO, etc...
    Version 3.0.3​
    • Fixed not being able to whisper players with an underscore in their names. I forgot you could use underscores...
    Version 3.0.2​
    • Fixed local chat not showing up to the player chatting.
    • Added console logging of chat.
    Version 3.0.1​
    • Added %time% variable. You can configure the format in "general.time-format".
    • Added "okchat.chatcolor" node. Guess what it does? Won't work well with word wrapping, due to the way it splits long chat messages into multiple messages.
    Version 3.0.0​
    • Complete recode. Added a lot of features. Check the config and you'll understand.
    Version 2.2.1​
    • Made %currentplrs% and %maxplrs% usable in more messages.
    Version 2.2.0​
    • Added optional logging of PMs/replies. Check the example config to see what key you need to add, or OKChat will not work if you do not delete your configuration first.
    Version 2.1.3​
    • Setting join,quit,kick messages to "default" will cause them to remain unaltered. Setting them to empty values, or removing them from your config file will result in the message being removed completely.
    Version 2.1.2​
    • Important bugfix.
    Version 2.1.1​
    • Ignored deprecation warnings. Thanks bukkit!
    Version 2.1.0​
    • Added /who <world>. Lets you see players in <world>. Node: okchat.whoworld
    • Added /dnd <message>. It's like /dnd, but your custom message is also shown to the player whispering you.
    Version 2.0.2​
    • Tablist names are now set 5 seconds after login.
    Version 2.0.1​
    • Updated for 1240.
    Version 2.0.0​
    • Added /who command.
    • Added motd.
    • Added "TAB" player list formatting.
    • Added the ability to use color codes with signs.
    • Misc additions and rewrites.
    • Added compatability with GroupManager.
    • Added compatability with bPermissions.
    Version 1.5.0​
    • Compressed code.
    • Added hooks for future handlers for persistent pms.
    • Added anonymous stat sending option.
    Version 1.4.2​
    • Added /m to the incredibly large list of /w aliases.
    Version 1.4.1​
    • Added the /afk command. Node: okchat.afk.
    • Added the "%status%" formatting variable. If a user has DND turned on, it will be <DND>. If a user has AFK turned on, it will be <AFK>. DND takes priority over AFK. This can be coloured and used in all chat formats, including DND, ignore, regular chat, whispers and the like.
    Version 1.4.0​
    • Added Persistent messaging along with the /pm command. /pm <target> <message> will send someone a message, and any further regular chat will be sent to this player, as a message. /pm clears this status.
    Version 1.3.3​
    • Fixed a bug where the DND status wouldn't work if you were ignoring someone.
    Version 1.3.2​
    • Added the weight value for chat formats. If a player has 2 format permissions nodes, the format with the highest config.yml weight value will be used.
    Version 1.3.1​
    • Fixed a bug with replies.
    Version 1.3.0​
    • Added an ignore system. This ignore list is reset when you log out or get kicked.
    • Added a DND system. This mode is reset when you log out or get kicked.
    • Made OKChat use commands /w,/whisper,/r,/re,/reply,/msg,/message,/tell,/respond...because I can.
    • Added customizable whisper, reply, ignore, emote, DND message formats in the config.yml.
    Version 1.2.2​
    • Changed /r to /re to avoid certain bugs.
    Version 1.2.1​
    • You can now disable custom join/kick/quit messages by simply removing the value from your config file.
    Version 1.2.0​
    • Added custom join, leave and kick messages. Thanks to @Asphodan for the suggestion.
    Version 1.1.8​
    • The displayname is now displayed when you use /me.
    Version 1.1.7​
    • Attempted message color bugfix.
    Version 1.1.6​
    • Fixed a bug that caused color codes in prefixes/suffix not to be parsed.
    Version 1.1.5​
    • Removed SuperPerms support again.
    Version 1.1.4​
    • Added SuperPerms support.
    • Added bInfo (prefixes/suffixes for superperms) support.
    • Added the %suffix% variable.
    Version 1.1.3​
    • Hotfix to fix an issue where the plugin crashed when the auto-update server was down.
    Version 1.1.2​
    • Fixed a bug that caused OKChat to throw errors when no prefix was set.
    Version 1.1.1​
    • Added the %prefix% format variable. This gets a player's permissions group/user prefix.
    Version 1.1.0​
    • Added the 'okchat.color' permission node. If you have this node, you can use the &1 - &9 and &a - &f color codes in chat.
    • Added the 'okchat.emote' permission node. If you have this node, you can use the /me <message> command to broadcast an action. I think it looks pretty neat too, to be honest.
    • Added the 'okchat.whisper' and 'okchat.reply' permission nodes. If you have these nodes, you can use the /w <target> <message> and /r <message> commands to send and reply to messages.
    Version 1.0.2​
    • Removed a debugging value I forgot to remove.
    • Changed the plugin so the actual chat message remains unaltered. This should make sure OKChat doesn't cause issues with stuff like Dynmap.
    Version 1.0.1​
    • Improvements.
    Version 1.0.0​
    • Initial release.
    minechomp, zecheesy and mruczek like this.
  2. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    You have to turn off world prefixes in MultiVerse ;).
    seriosbrad likes this.
  3. Offline


    Boo for removing SuperPerms support! :( bInfo makes it easy to have superperms support.
  4. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Let me tell you a secret (open)
    I prefer Permissions/PermissionsEx/GroupManager. SuperPerms doesn't have groups, and the plugins that add groups don't have an API for changing groups.
  5. Offline


    Orilly? Would you really use an API for changing groups?
    bPermissions lets you add nodes and remove nodes with no worries at all. It also lets you change groups.
    It used to have an api - but I removed it, because no-one was using it.

    Anyway before you go making assumptions like that - you should look at the plugins in question.

    my commands:

    • /setgroup playername groupname worldname - sets a player to a group
    • /addnode node.node groupname worldname - adds a node to a group
    • /rmnode node.node groupname worldname - removes a node from a group
    • /lsnode groupname worldname - lists all the nodes of a group
    • /nodereload - reloads all nodes
  6. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Yeah, I would use an API for changing groups. My main plugin, Bulletin Board Bridge is all about changing groups. I was sad to hear that I couldn't change a player's groups with BukkitPermissions =/.
  7. Offline


    Hey - if you want - I can add an API for you :)
  8. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    That'd be cool. I'll make sure to add support for bPermissions to my plugin once the API is there :). All I need is a way to remove groups, and a way to set groups.(I'm guessing I can still use the player.hasPermission(string)).

    So yeah, thanks a lot.

    I'm heading to bed now, but I'll make sure to check the bPermissions thread regularly.
  9. Offline


    Hey this may sound like I'm an utter nab but I'm just a little confused by the colour coding - can I ask how I would change say; Admin text to Blue and Moderator text to Green ? And btw this plugin is brilliant, I was using HeroChat before the 1.7.3 update and this is actually better, only problem is I knew how to change the colour on there but this one seems a little more confusing - help appreciated, also please keep this plugin active, it's wonderful and should replace iChat as the most used chat plugin.

    *edit* replaced "most used plugin" with "most used Chat plugin"
  10. Offline


    Color chart:
    Show Spoiler


    From the default config, you would replace the '&f' with '&colorofchoice' (see chart above)
    moderator: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7][&aMOD&7] &c%displayname%&7: &a%message%'
    admin: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7][&3%prefix%&7] &c%displayname%&7: &9%message%'
    Put simply for whatever you want blue, you would put '&9' or '&1' in front of it.
  11. Offline


    Yeh I can change any value to anything I wish but it won't change the colour of the chat - I should note that I can change all other colours, the only exception is the chat - it's not a massive issue
    Moderator: '&7[&e%world%&7][&a&7] &c%displayname%&7: &b%message%'
    Admin: '&7[&e%world%&7][&3%prefix%&7] &c%displayname%&5: &b%message%'
    The only thing I can think of is that it's not working with Permissions properly ( I am using 3.0 not the inbuilt Bukkit one - if that is a problem I am sorry for missing that :L)
  12. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    I will look into your issue as soon as I can log into Minecraft...The client says it's offline =/

    Seems to be working just fine for me... Do you get any errors?
    Using Permissions 3.1.6.
    View attachment 5510
        admin'&7[&e%world%&7][&a%time%&7][&3%prefix%&7][%suffix%] &c%name%&7: &b%message%'
    Just to be sure, I made sure all colors are removed from the original message before my plugin attempts to do anything.
    Are you using Essentials?

    Version 1.1.7​
    • Attempted message color bugfix.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  13. Offline



    so, i'm quite a green noobie at server pluggin's and shizzle, but i wonder, i got bukkit server with the permissions plugin set up, i've installed OKChat and for some reason, i as admin in the admin group show as Member, i'm just wondering if you got a quick simple solution :p

    here is my config file for OKChat

    time-format: HH:mm:ss
        default: '&7[&e%world%&7] &c%name%&7: &f%message%'
        member: '&7[&e%world%&7][&2MEMBER&7] &c%name%&7: &f%message%'
        moderator: '&7[&e%world%&7][&4MOD&7] &c%displayname%&7: &f%message%'
        admins: '&7[&e%world%&7][&3Admin&7][&3%prefix%&7] &c%displayname%&7: &f%message%'
    here is my Config file (it's the globalGroups.yml)
    # Permissions has AntiBuild, which prevents a player from destroying/placing blocks.
    # To prevent a group of players then set the build: flag to false (build: false).
    # If you want a group to be able to build then set it to true.
    # Groups can inherit from other groups.
    #   To make a group inherit the permissions and info nodes from another
    #   group, simply place the groups name in the "inheritance:" like so:
    #   Example:
    #       inheritance:
    #           - Default
    #   Wildcard Permission settings:
    #       You can have wildcard nodes which encompass all nodes that match it.
    #       For example, the node "modplugin.*" matches "modplugin.kick", "modplugin.ban",
    #       "modplugin.settings.view", and so on.
    #   A single asterisk means that this user/group has all permissions.
    #       - '*'
    #   Negated nodes are created by prefixing a normal node with "-".
    #   They prevent less specific wildcard nodes from matching the negated node.
    #   For example:
    #   permissions:
    #       - 'foo.*'
    #       - '-foo.bar'
    #   In this case, the user/group will have "foo.foo", "foo.foobar", and so on, but not "foo.bar".
    #   prefix: and suffix: do not do anything on their own.  You need another outside plugin
    #   such as iChat or HeroChat in order for these to do anything.
    #   For more info, visit https://github.com/TheYeti/Permissions/wiki/Guide-to-creating-YAML-configs
            default: true
                prefix: 'Guest'
                suffix: ''
                build: false
            default: false
                prefix: 'Builder'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                - 'stargate.use'
            default: false
                prefix: 'Member'
                suffix: '&1'
                build: true
                - Builder
                - ''
            default: false
                prefix: 'Mod'
                suffix: '&2'
                build: true
                - Member
                - 'stargate.*'
            default: false
                prefix: 'Admin'
                suffix: '&3'
                build: true
                - '*'
    also, here is the globalUsers.yml file for permissions

            - Admins
            - Admins
            - Builder
    sincere thanks,
  14. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    See, your admin group has '*' permissions. This means it has ALL permissions. This means it has all okchat.format permissions. My plugin only reads the first one. And the first one that's not the default is okchat.format.member. Since you have * permissions, my plugin sets that as your chat format.

    You can fix this by not giving your admin * permissions. Just manually give him the permissions he needs. And then give him okchat.format.admins .
  15. Offline


    thank you, i got it all working now. every member in each group show's the right prefix now :)
  16. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Great :). Glad it's working for you.
  17. Offline


    @Kalman Olah
    Possible to add customized Join-Game, Leave-Game?
  18. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Version 1.2.0​
    • Added custom join, leave and kick messages. Thanks to @Asphodan for the suggestion.
    You will need to remake your config.yml or add this to the bottom:
        join-message: '&f%prefix%&6%displayname%&f has entered &c%world%&f!'
        quit-message: '&f%prefix%&6%displayname%&f mysteriously vanishes...'
        kick-message: '&fOdin is not pleased with &f%prefix%&6%displayname%&f!'
    OKB3 users will also need to update to 2.5.17 for the custom join message to work.

    Version 1.2.2​
    • Changed /r to /re to avoid certain bugs.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  19. Offline


    So where do i create the okchat.format.admin files etc. and what do i put in them?
  20. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    okchat.format.<name> refers to a permissions node that you can give to players in order for them to get the chat format that matches that permissions node in the config.yml
  21. Offline


    so how do i structure them?
  22. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Version 1.3.0​
    • Added an ignore system. This ignore list is reset when you log out or get kicked.
    • Added a DND system. This mode is reset when you log out or get kicked.
    • Made OKChat use commands /w,/whisper,/r,/re,/reply,/msg,/message,/tell,/respond...because I can.
    • Added customizable whisper, reply, ignore, emote, DND message formats in the config.yml.

    Lets say you have this in your config file:
        admin: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7][&3%prefix%&7] &c%displayname%&7: &f%message%'
    Anyone with the Permissions node okchat.format.admin will get their chat formatted that way.
    If you have this in your config file:
        default: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7] &c%name%&7: &f%message%'
        member: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7][&2MEMBER&7] &c%name%&7: &f%message%'
        moderator: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7][&aMOD&7] &c%displayname%&7: &f%message%'
        admin: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7][&3%prefix%&7] &c%displayname%&7: &f%message%'
    Anyone with the okchat.format.admin node will use the admin format, anyone with okchat.format.moderator will use the moderator format, anyone with okchat.format.member will use the member format, and anyone without a node will use the default format.

    If you were having issues with the reply command, redownload 1.3.0

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  23. Offline


    thanks for that
    EDIT: Sorry last Q where do they save the permission node?
  24. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Version 1.3.1​
    • Fixed a bug with replies.
  25. Offline


    @Kalman Olah

    After the latest version you sent me, /r cuts off the first word.

    /r Because I asked, sends "I asked".
  26. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    This was fixed in 1.3.1
  27. Offline

    Cosmic Break

    in the chat, all groups show up as the member group. even though each group has its own config and each permission node is set.
  28. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Care to PM me your permissions.yml and OKChat config.yml?

    Version 1.3.2​
    • Added the weight value for chat formats. If a player has 2 format permissions nodes, the format with the highest config.yml weight value will be used.
    Example chat-format setup:
            weight: '0'
            format: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7] &c%name%&7: &f%message%'
            weight: '50'
            format: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7][&2MEMBER&7] &c%name%&7: &f%message%'
            weight: '75'
            format: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7][&aMOD&7] &c%displayname%&7: &f%message%'
            weight: '100'
            format: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7][&3%prefix%%suffix%&7] &c%displayname%&7:
    @Cosmic Break

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  29. Offline


    Hey i put the okchat.jar file in my plugins and restarted my server and i get this error ,its saying its not up to date?

    C:\Users\TonyaT\Desktop\MINECRAFT SERVER>64-bit
    '64-bit' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    151 recipes
    16 achievements
    18:00:57 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.7.3
    18:00:57 [INFO] Loading properties
    18:00:57 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
    18:00:58 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-945-
    g73697a4-b1000jnks (MC: 1.7.3)
    18:00:58 [INFO] LWC: Loading shared objects
    18:00:58 [INFO] LWC: Protection cache: 0/10000
    18:00:58 [INFO] LWC: Native library: plugins/LWC/lib/native/Windows/x86/sqlitejd
    18:00:58 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    18:00:58 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 7353946349785170781)
    18:00:59 [INFO] [BananaChunk] version 4.6 is enabled!
    18:00:59 [INFO] [Captureme] Can't create file worlds
    18:00:59 [INFO] [Captureme] Can't create file lang
    18:00:59 [INFO] [Captureme] WorldGuard 5.0-alpha10 found
    18:00:59 [INFO] [Captureme] Permissions disabled, Permissions groups not used in
     CatchMe, Please use a different Groups Plugin.
    18:00:59 [INFO] [Captureme] Factions disabled, Factions groups not used in Catch
    Me, Please use a different Groups Plugin.
    18:00:59 [INFO] WorldGuard: 1 regions loaded for 'world'
    18:00:59 [INFO] [Captureme] plugins\Captureme\worlds\world\regions.yml not found
    18:00:59 [INFO] [Captureme] Load catching areas succeed
    18:00:59 [INFO] [Captureme] Language file not found
    18:00:59 [INFO] [Captureme]  v1.2.2 Enabled
    18:00:59 [INFO] ----------------------------------
    18:00:59 [INFO] | Capture The Flag by Ptibiscuit |
    18:00:59 [INFO] ----------------------------------
    18:00:59 [INFO] Permission system not detected, defaulting to OP
    18:00:59 [INFO] CaptureThePoints version 2.2 is enabled!
    18:00:59 [INFO] [CaptureThePoints] Enabled.
    18:00:59 [INFO] [ChestShop] version 3.0 initialized!
    18:00:59 [INFO] [ChestShop] iConomy 5 loaded.
    18:00:59 [INFO] [ChestShop] LWC version 3.31 loaded.
    18:00:59 [INFO] [ChestShop] Lockette version 1.3.8 loaded.
    18:00:59 [INFO] Loaded Essentials build 2.5.6 by [Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Bret
    tflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans, Xeology]
    18:00:59 [INFO] [Essentials] Payment method found (iConomy version: 5)
    18:01:01 [INFO] [iConomy] Logging is currently disabled.
    18:01:01 [INFO] [iConomy] v5.01 (Eruanna) loaded.
    18:01:01 [INFO] [iConomy] Developed by: [Nijikokun]
    18:01:01 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 0 jail zones.
    18:01:01 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 0 prisoners.
    18:01:01 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 0 cells.
    18:01:01 [INFO] [Lists] version 0.2.0 enabled.
    18:01:01 [INFO] [Lists] 1 lists loaded.
    18:01:01 [INFO] Lockette version 1.3.8 is being enabled!  Yay!  (Core version 1.
    18:01:01 [INFO] Lockette: Detected craftbukkit build [1000] ok.
    18:01:01 [INFO] Lockette: Using ops file for admin permissions.
    18:01:01 [INFO] Lockette: Ready to protect your containers.
    18:01:01 [INFO] [OKChat] Attempting to enable OKChat v1.3.3 by Kalman Olah...
    18:01:01 [INFO] [OKChat] Initiating auto-update...
    18:01:02 [INFO] [OKChat] You already have the latest version of OKChat.
    18:01:02 [INFO] [OKChat] Permissions plugin not found, disabling...
    18:01:02 [INFO] [OKChat] Attempting to disable OKChat...
    18:01:02 [INFO] [OKChat] OKChat disabled successfully.
    18:01:02 [INFO] [OKChat] Successfully hooked into Permissions plugin.
    18:01:02 [INFO] [OKChat] Attempting to create configuration file...
    18:01:02 [INFO] [OKChat] Loaded 4 chat format style(s).
    18:01:02 [INFO] [OKChat] Configuration file successfully created.
    18:01:02 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling OKChat v1.3.3 (Is it up to date?
    ): Plugin attempted to register PLAYER_CHAT while not enabled
    org.bukkit.plugin.IllegalPluginAccessException: Plugin attempted to register PLA
    YER_CHAT while not enabled
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.registerEvent(SimplePluginManag
            at me.kalmanolah.oc.OKmain.onEnable(OKmain.java:120)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:126)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:162)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:146
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:284)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:271)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:148)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:335)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    18:01:02 [INFO] PermissionsHelper version 1.0.2 loaded!
    18:01:02 [INFO] PermissionsHelper will generate a permissions list in approximat
    ely thirty seconds.
    18:01:02 [INFO] [Questioner] v0.4 - Enabled
    18:01:02 [INFO] ServerSave: Save interval is: 3000 seconds.
    18:01:02 [INFO] ServerSave: ServerSave enabled!
    18:01:02 [INFO] [SolitaryConfinement] Plugin enabled! (version 1.0)
    18:01:02 [INFO] [Towny] Database: [Load] flatfile [Save] flatfile
    18:01:02 [INFO] [Towny] Using: iConomy, Essentials, Questioner
    18:01:02 [INFO] [Towny] Version: 0.74.0 - Mod Enabled
    18:01:02 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.4 enabled.
    18:01:02 [INFO] WorldEdit: No known permissions plugin detected. Using configura
    tion file for permissions.
    18:01:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: No known permissions plugin detected. Using configur
    ation file for permissions.
    18:01:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Single session is enforced.
    18:01:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) TNT ignition is blocked.
    18:01:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Lighters are blocked.
    18:01:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Lava fire is blocked.
    18:01:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) All fire spread is disabled.
    18:01:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'world"
    18:01:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: 1 regions loaded for 'world'
    18:01:02 [INFO] WorldGuard 5.0-alpha10 enabled.
    18:01:02 [INFO] LWC: Loaded 135 locale strings (0 overrides)
    18:01:02 [INFO] LWC: Permissions API: NoPermissions
    18:01:02 [INFO] LWC: Currency API: iConomyCurrency
    18:01:02 [INFO] LWC: Loading SQLite
    18:01:02 [INFO] LWC: Using: Native
    18:01:02 [INFO] LWC: Precached 79 protections.
    18:01:02 [INFO] LWC: At version: 3.31-git-LWC-b9ea01e8c2f66480ada443ba9084dfbe98
    18:01:02 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    18:01:02 [INFO] Done (0.420s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    Can you please help me with this?
  30. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    You need Permissions 3.1.x or PermissionsEX to be able to use OKChat.
  31. Offline


    Lol okay thank you :)
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