Solved Charge EXP Level

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by HeavyMine13, Aug 16, 2014.

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    Hello! So I want to make an xp bar to "charge up" from level 0 to level 100 under 20 seconds and then stop at 100! How can I do that? Thanks!
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    Robin Bi

    HeavyMine13 You want it to "charge" like a progress bar? Then you'll have to use a RepeatingTask with your Scheduler and increase the XP of the player of a certain amount of XP that you have to calculate first ;)
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    How would one initiate the charge? There are many ways to do this. One would to use Bukkit Schedulers, Testing time difference of the system, etc.
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    I just want a charge method, since I already know where I want to start the charge up!

    Well then how can I calculate it so it like increases as if you are waiting for it to be 100 so you can cast a spell or such?

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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    I use this in my plugin, but I'm not sure if it's 100% correct (but hey, it's working)
    1. public void charge(final Player p){
    2. final Float originalXP = p.getExp();
    3. final BukkitScheduler s = Bukkit.getScheduler();
    5. p.setExp(0);
    7. Runnable add = new Runnable(){
    8. public void run(){
    9. p.setExp(p.getExp() + 1/18F); //(if you look closely, the xp bar is divided in 18 smaller bars)
    10. }
    11. };
    12. final int xpTask = s.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, add, 0, 60/18);//0 is the delay before it starts and 60/18 means it will have filled the 18 bars in 60 ticks (3 seconds)
    14. Runnable reset = new Runnable(){
    15. public void run(){
    16. p.setExp(originalXP);
    17. s.cancelTask(xpTask);
    18. }
    19. };
    20. s.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this, reset, 3 * 20);
    21. }
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    Yes I want that animation, but i want the level number above the bar to go from 0 and smoothly increase to 100
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    well that doesnt make it work at all

    DinosParkour thanks for help, I looked into docs and made my own method! Thanks!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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    If you do it correctly, it works:
    Make a repeating task, which will do p.setLevel(p.getLevel + 1) every time. You want it to start immediately so the delay number should be 0 and you want it to repeat every 1/5 of a second so the second number should be 4.
    Then make a scheduled task after 400 ticks and cancel the repeating task. (like i did in my code)

    EDIT: Oh, glad it worked :)
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