Changing the new player List(Where the names of players is shown in the ServerPing)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by nuno1212sss, Feb 28, 2014.

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    Hi boys n girlz,
    Does anyone know what is the event or whatever it is that it takes to change the player List.
    Please help :D

    Bump. Any1?

    werter318 Not the MOTD, The new player list of 1.7.2.

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    Wolvereness Bukkit Team Member

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    Wolvereness Do you know the server, well when you hover over their player number it shows something, that is what I am looking for :D!
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    connor stone

    Thats what he just gave you
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    connor stone Well I know I read it but, I have no idea how to use it.
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    Im guessing
    public void blabla(ServerListPingEvent e){
    //do stuff
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    alex123099 -,-" if you are here to kid arround you can go away, I don't know how to change the number of players displayed and what they display.
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    I'm not kidding in any way o.o
    You asked on how to use this class he provided you with, and that's how you use it. Then use the e variable and do what you need
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    connor stone

    I have not used it , but I assume to add a message instead you could clear the list and add some new player vars you create with the text as the names
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    alex123099 my problem is in the variable, I do not know how to change Iterator's, just know how to use them with a while, so I was thinking like
    1. while(itr.hasNext()){
    2. String s = irt.toString();
    3. s = "===========" + ChatColor.RED + "LusoCraft" + "============";
    4. itr.??????//Do not know what to put :D!
    5. }

    1. List<String> list = new ArrayList<String> ();
    2. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    3. @EventHandler
    4. public void ServerList(ServerListPingEvent e) {
    5. int max = e.getNumPlayers();
    6. max = 5;
    7. e.setMaxPlayers(max);
    8. Iterator<Player> a = e.iterator();
    9. while(a.hasNext()){
    11. String s =a.toString();
    12. s = "==========" + ChatColor.RED + "LusoCraft" + "==========";
    13. list.add(s);
    14. a = (Iterator<Player>) list;
    15. list.clear();
    16. }

    I don't know I just made this ;(

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    connor stone

    Try something like this

    Itr.clear or whatever
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    connor stone No can do... Never heard of Iterator's ? you can't .add(), .clear() anything, that's why I hate them -,-"
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    connor stone

    Ahh, didnt realise.

    Use a = list.Iiterator()?

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    I think the OP was referring to the new feature in 1.7, where hovering over the player count will list the players. Most servers that take advantage of this feature change the player names to be special messages, like this:


    You can achieve this through Protocollib, and I believe there are a few posts in the resource section telling how to do so.
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    ZeusAllMighty11 But where is it in the resource, I can't seem to find it :(

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
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