Hello. I have a bukkit server that runs PermissionsBukkit. Lately I have been getting a lot of errors, And I think it's time to change to PEX. Is there any way to convert PermissionsBukkti to PEX, or someone that will do it for me? Mediafire download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> Pastie for the cautious folk: http://pastie.org/4592142
http://permicon.nexua.org/convert You could try that. I'm not sure how accurate it is though... Probably best to do it by hand.
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/read-first-guides-and-help-threads-index.94410/ Its under the PermissionsEx Title.
Thanks a bunch! Is this correct? http://pastie.org/4597979 And for the user groups: http://pastie.org/4597976
Nope it should look something like this, keep in mind this is an example. PHP: groups: default: prefix: '[Visitor]' default: true permissions: - multiverse.access.* - permissions.build: false - bukkit.command.tell - bukkit.command.me - NoiseNotifications.alert - CommandBin.spawn - CommandBin.starve.self Host: options: rank: '100' prefix: '&6[Staff]&c' suffix: '&b[Host]' permissions: - '*' - .give.item.* - adminchat.send - adminchat.read - adminchat.broadcast - mwStop.stop - mwStop.use - CommandBin.hat - maintenance.admin - maintenance.safe - spectate.use VIP: options: rank: '100' prefix: '&5[VIP]&0' permissions: - '*' Owner: options: rank: '100' prefix: '&6[Staff]&c' suffix: '' permissions: - '*' - adminchat.send - adminchat.read - adminchat.broadcast - justwarp.list - justwarp.add - justwarp.remove - justwarp.warp - justwarp.override - justwarp.warpother - multiverse.portal.create - CommandBin.hell - spectate.use PHP: users: omnitv: permissions: - softlimit.bypass - zombes.noclip - Host - adminchat.send - adminchat.read - adminchat.broadcast - '*' - modifyworld.* - maintenance.admin - maintenance.safe - mop.use - mop.range.user - mop.range.admn - imgmap.render - imgmap.restoremap group: - Host popcornpowerv1: permissions: - JOPHSpawner.use - softlimit.bypass - zombes.noclip - Owner - adminchat.send - adminchat.read - adminchat.broadcast - modifyworld.* - maintenance.admin - maintenance.safe group: - Owner