Change Playername in Autocomplete

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Unknown025, Jan 20, 2018.

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    Hello everyone.
    I was working on a command which would change your display name using a combination of the setDisplayName() method, setPlayerListName() method, and TagAPI, however the only place the username does not get changed is when you press tab to autocomplete a command. Is there any way to change it?
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    Machine Maker

    You might be able to listen to the PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent and do something there. I'm not sure though. I've never messed around with that.
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    That only seems to work if there's no "/" in the chat box already entered. For commands, it doesn't work. I did verify that the event works, it just doesn't work for commands.
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    To change it for your plugin commands override the onTabComplete method in your main class. Or use getPluginCommand("mycommand").setTabCompleter(new MyTabCompleter())
    There you can set the tabbable Strings manually.
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    Yes, but if I want to override it server-wide? Apparently they introduced such an event in Spigot 1.9 or so, but for Craftbukkit 1.7.10 people had to intercept packets. Still haven't found the best way to solve this yet.
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