Change Inventory Type or Title

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Goblom, Dec 25, 2013.

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    I want to create a Dispenser Menu but i am unable to change the title of the menu since
    1. Bukkit.createInventory(player, InventoryType.DISPENSER);
    doesn't allow me to set the Title.... and
    1. Bukkit.createInventory(player, 9, title);
    doesn't allow me to set the type...

    1. /**
    2.  * This also doesnt work (but i really wish it did)
    3.  */
    4. Inventory inv = Bukkit.createInventory(player, InventoryType.DISPENSER);
    6. /**
    7.  * These methods do not exist
    8.  */
    9. inv.setTitle(title);
    10. inv.setType(InventoryType);

    This can probably be done via Reflection (but i don't know how to use Reflection)
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    The different inventory types are different classes, you can't just "change" them. The title can probably be changed somewhere but it's more trouble than it's worth and easier to create a new inventory.
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    You can't. You can only create a new inventory
    1. Inventory newInventory = Bukkit.createInventory(owner, 9, "Inventory Name")); //owner can be "null" or a player
    2. newInventory.setContents(copyInventory.getContents(); //copyInventory is the inventory you want to change / copy
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    The title is private & final so it cannot be changed once created. The type is private. The type is not a separate class because Inventory.getType() will return an InventoryType not a separate class ;)
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