Change inventory slot or equip a weapon that isnt in the inventory bar

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by amitlin14, Feb 23, 2013.

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    So basically, i need a way to set the inventory slot the player chose, so for example, if he pressed 4, i want the slot to still be in 1, and cancel the item in hand being moved to slot 4.

    Or, another way, is to set the player's item in hand, but not make it appear in the inventory slots.

    Is this possible?
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    Cancel inventory open and item drop also so players cat rid of the items you would then listen to the item in hand and always change it to a specified item
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    mastermustard but i need it to stay in the same slot, its crucial
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    mastermustard i dont think you understood what i was meaning, what i meant, is that, if for instance, you have a hoe on slot 2, what i want is that when a player logs in, i want his cursor to be on slot 2, and i want it to always stay there, this means that even when the player presses 4, i want to cancel the click, and put the cursor back on slot 2.

    Is that possible?
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    mastermustard if its possible its there
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    ok, anyone else that actually knows how to do this, instead of just directing me to the bukkit docs.
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