Change block under player

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by longroad, May 2, 2016.

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    Hey Guys,
    i'm coding my own minigame, but I have a problem. I want to change the block under a player, but Java says that there is a problem.
        Location loc = p.getLocation();
                double y = loc.getY()-1;
                World w = Bukkit.getWorld("CaptureTheBomb");
    I tested arround a lot but couldn't find a solution. If y is a double, Java says I should change it to "Location". But if it is an Location I cannot subtract 1. Please help me!
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    idk how you are getting that problem. Make sure you import the right stuff.

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    This method does not exist for type World. You need to use the "getBlockAt(X ,Y, Z)" to get a block at a specific location.
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    @Zombie_Striker but how can i change the block under a player? I don't want to set it on the ground, it should be in the ground
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    The only thing you need to do is change "getBlockAt(y)" to "getBlockAt (X, y, Z)"
  6. @longroad
    Like @Zombie_Striker said, the method you re using requires 3 arguments.
    You can get the X, Y and Z by using the "loc.getX(), loc.getY() and loc.getZ()" methods, then you can minus the value of Y inside the method(?) like getBlockAt(x, loc.getY()-1, z)
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    Thanks to everybody, stupid mistake^^
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