Certain word having link like characteristics?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by stantheman68, Jun 7, 2013.

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    Hi everyone,

    I was only wondering if it's possible to creating a plugin which when you click a certain word in chat it will do something. Or more likely, Just putting "Link" in chat and when you click on the word, it will take you to the provided website.

    [Broadcast] Click on the Link visit out website!

    And once the certain player clicks that word it will take them to the website.
    [Broadcast] Visit out Spawn for the server rules and more server information.

    And when the player clicks on "Spawn" it will teleport them to the set Spawn.

    I'm only curious if this is possible or if there is already a made plugin that does this. If there is, Please link me to it. Thank You
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    No you can't do that sadly. It will only work with whole urls in the chat.
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    You can make signs do stuff like that, but not that chat box. It's rather limited
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