LOL Wow, I didn't even click the link, I just assumed it went straight to the mods page... now I feel dumb
This isn't really feasible server-side without client mods, unless you want a separate client that redoes ALL rendering in Minecraft, since you need something to view it on. It's not just a simple matter of pulling a few packets.
Im really in need of cctv camera mod that records weve been getting alot of griefs and we need to end it we have protction so we think its a mod who is doing this plz email me at [email protected] of you have any plugins like this for bukkit 1.0.0
You could use Hawkeye, BigBrother or LogBlock - I know they're not quite what you were after, but they do the trick.
Maybe Jeb could add a security camera and monitor to just servers. like have them non-craftable like the spawner eggs. It would really help servers reduce griefing and hacking. I don't have twitter or Facebook so I can't ask Jeb. Can someone reading this ask??? just throwing that idea out there.
Haven't any of these people heard of plugins like logblock or hawkeye. Having CCTV cameras for a start is stupid and would be a stupid way to catch griefers when logblock is the way to go...
i would close this Disscusion but im not admin. bc i would tell you to go here Questioned Answered -Closed Disscusion-