I made a Textscanner for find the catacomb specific characters und transform them in small images. this images are copied in a greater image and sorted by postion auf the character in the textlog. and boom we have a nice image for the dungeon levels. Example Image: Features: load textfile scan file for dungeons (only Catacomb) show dungeon name and level count show levels as image dungeon name and level on image export image as PNG copy image to clipboard index of the catacomb symbols and rasterimages index is printable Issues: Only scan for the first Dungeon found Programm is written in C# so you need .NET 4.x Installation : Download ZIP-File .NET 4.x needed ! (Eventually install before) Unzip anywhere you want start catacombpainter.exe
please do im extremely interested i figured out how to read the map and all but a visual representation with blocks is more then helpful for editing them if id like