Can't negate PEX permissions

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by freddyh, Dec 24, 2013.

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  1. Here is my PEX perms file: (This is for a small server that just needs a bit of security)
    My understanding is that perms files are read top to bottom, so I allow all craftbukkit commands and then specifically say that the whitelist commands cannot be used. However I can still add somebody to my whitelist. Why is this?
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    Being read from top to bottom means that you need to put the negative commands first, because otherwise PEX sees that you're allowing all craftbukkit commands and then doesn't bother to read that you're negating some later since you've already allowed them higher up. Put your negative perms first and it should work the way you want it to.
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  4. Aaah, thanks. I imagined reading top to bottom to be the same as CSS, when it is slightly different.
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