Cant find Plugins, please help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Lord_kass, Aug 23, 2011.

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    Hello, I've been looking for quite a bit for a few plugins that I think are essential to my zombie apocalypse server.

    Plugins I need:

    A plugin that makes the time on the server stay at a specific time forever. Not a day/night plugin. I am looking for a way to keep it dusk or dawn so there is a bit of light but not a lot.

    A plugin to set which mobs spawn. Found :)

    A plugin to set the damage that mobs can do. I found ModDamage but I cant find out how to program the damage. :( If someone could assist me in finding either a new way or to help me program the config file.

    A plugin to allow zombies to break blocks. I don't care if it is specific blocks, programmable blocks, or all blocks. Found:

    Also if you have any suggestions on plugins I should add to my zombie apocalypse server :)

    Thank you to everyone who can help me and everyone who took the time to read this, even if they are unable to help :)
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    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
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    I'm looking for commandbook now. I just tried realtime and now every time I try to connect to my server it says end of stream :(
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    For command book, '/time -l' locks the time to current
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    I'm running it with essentials, and it isn't working. are they incomparable?
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    Get rid of essentials, command book is a better choice for lots of reasons, including conflicts with other plugins.
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    I got rid of essentials and now I'm on craftbook. The time lock works but the server crashes every few minutes or when I type /help and I have to restart.
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