Problem/Bug Can't delete the "entities" folder, when deleting a world.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Abcik, Aug 22, 2021.

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    Does anyone know why after deleting a world I still have a world folder ? (In which some files in folders remain, for example, the "entities", or "poi" folders)
    It's not about the main world.
    I can't delete it even manually when server is running...
    I also have tested this with multiverse-core. (Besides own code) The result is the same.
    (And yes, ofc i tried unload world before delete)
    Seems files from directory "worldname/entities" removed by themselves after a while. But all folders remain. And how can I make it delete everything at once? I can't wait when bukkit decide to delete these files.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Abcik Stop the server first, then delete.
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    Thanks for the advice, Cap, but i need to do this without shutting down the server.
    (This should be possible, since I'm trying to delete the secondary world not main one.)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Did you check why it didn't remove them? Permissions? Files are being used?
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    Yes, "To delete this file, you need to have administrator permission." when i try to delete r.0.0.mca. But when I click "continue" nothing happens.
    "You need permission to access the file."

    Some time later bukkit removes it itself this files, but it takes a time. (more time at spigot and even move time on paper)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Abcik Is the server running as admin?
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    uh, I guess not ... But what does it matter? Obviously, bukkit itself prevents me from deleting these files, not the OC.

    As I already said, some time later bukkit removes itself this files, but it takes a time. I want to do this function together with my function world deleting.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Abcik Bukkit won't give the issue that you don't have the permissions though.
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    Ok, I can try to run the server as administrator, how do I do that? I am using Windows 10.
    When I run as administrator a start.bat it doesn't start the server.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    It should NOT be ran as admin, but something is messing with those files, having it ran as admin could cause that.
    Is it in any file sharing site thing? OneDrive? Dropbox?
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    Oh okay. Nope, files are not used anywhere except bukkit.
    I found a theme similar to mine, but there is a problem in the chunk files, and the solution is probably outdated.

    Forgot to clarify why I need this:
    When re-creating a world with the same name (And if these files are not deleted)
    there is a huge crash in my console.

    Managed to find out that everything works perfectly on version 1.12.2. There are no "entities" or "poi" folders. And I know for sure that this bug is in 1.16 - 1.17. So, @timtower can you tell where should I contact to try to ask fix this error?
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2021
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