Solved Cannot pickup custom ItemStack

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by elementalgodz11, Apr 5, 2014.

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    So I've tried to drop an egg of the entity damaged using the EntityDamageByEntity event,

    Firstly, I used the .getData() method to get the egg type, which worked but was deprecated. So I went for an alternative solution, create the custom egg itemstack. I have done this and now when the ItemStack is spawned on the ground { it cannot be picked up, and ItemPickup event is not cancelled }

    Here is the code:
    Entity caught = event.getEntity();
    EntityType entityType = caught.getType();
    SpawnEgg spawnEgg = new SpawnEgg();
    ItemStack spawnedEgg = spawnEgg.toItemStack();
    Bukkit.getServer().getWorld("world").dropItemNaturally(caught.getLocation(), spawnedEgg);
  2. The getData() is deprecated, but you van just use it.
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