can you use modifyworld with groupmanager

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by keegantai, Mar 29, 2014.

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    i am useing groupmanager for my group's and i need to know the node for useing anyitem on any block or to basicly use anything someone please help me
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    keegantai You can use modifyworld with GroupManager, but it originally was made to be used with PermissionsEx. GroupManager usually just uses EssentialsAntiBuild, which pretty much does the same things as modifyworld. So...unless you're using it to block certain groups from doing things, you probably don't need it.

    I think the permission node you're looking for is modifyworld.* though.
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    yes i have tryed that and have also tryd the to and it still has given me the same error "you are prohibited from using (item in hand)" and i dont know why i even created a seprete server and ran multiverse sepreatly with essentials and groupmanager and it still gave me the error so i dont understand why it does this but i will have to look more into it i thought that this was just a comon error and it was also to be a quick and easy fix but i guess not sooo i will look into it more thx for the comment tho
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