Can someone give me the Text Colors? For EssentialsChat?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by NBAPwns13, Jul 9, 2011.

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    Where can i find the text colors because i can't find the one with & beside the number =/
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    I think this is what you are looking for:

  3. Offline


    I love it! :D

    I have this comment block pasted below the chat/group-formats setting:
    # Colors:
    # &0 = Black
    # &1 = Blue
    # &2 = Green
    # &3 = Mid Blue
    # &4 = Red
    # &5 = Dark pink
    # &6 = Yellow
    # &7 = Light Gray
    # &8 = Dark Gray
    # &9 = Mid Blue
    # &a = Light Green
    # &b = Light blue
    # &c = Light Red
    # &d = Light pink
    # &e = Light Yellow
    # &f = White
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