Camp minecraft season 4

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by TheGreatSunami, Nov 11, 2022.

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    hello can someone try making the new camp minecraft season 4, It uses the era mod to make players work together to get to new ages is it possible for someone to make it here is a video of it
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @TheGreatSunami We don't do mods here though.
    Nor do you tell exactly what you want.
    Nobody wants to watch a video to see all features you want.
    mehboss likes this.
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    I would really love it if someone created this. It doesn't need to be a mod, make the camp counsellor dude and make it so we give him whatever we need to when were done instead of making the well, is that doable, I've been searching for a plugin like this for hours now and I would love if someone made this. It's hard to explain what Im asking to create so just watch the video it shows you what I and @TheGreatSunami are talking about right at the start of the video.
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    so if i understand correctly you want us to make a plugin that makes that everyone on the server has a current level and the level defines what the player can mine and what not.
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    Yes and you work together to bring the level up by doing quests
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    Sadly no . I’ve given up. Though if you have any luck finding one, please let me know.
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    Hello, in case you still need this I would probably be able to put something together, after I finish the project I am currently working on
    I can provide a config for which blocks are unlocked at which level and quests should probably be easy enough to implement as well, I can also make a GUI for that, if you want. You only need to tell me what kind of quest types you want exactly. So for example kill x amount of x mob or mine x amount of x block. There is obviously a ton of different possibilities here, so I would need to know what exactly you want/need

    EDIT: I just finished my previous project I was working on, so it would now be possible for me to make this plugin, in case you do still need it. Please reply to me if that is the case, otherwise I will simply ignore this and do something else
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2023
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    Yes please, I would love it if you made it for me.
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    Alright - You'd still have to answer me the question I asked you about quests though. I'll start work on this once I am done with my current project.
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    My bad sorry. The quests are normally like get 3 wooden hoes or get 4 iron leggings and stuff like that and then you bring the stuff to the camp counsel dude who gave you the quest to get a certain amount of points to work towards the server mining level and it starts at wood era and to progress from wood era it was like 1000 points to progress to the stone era which is 2000 points to progress to iron and so on. So far on the series it’s started on dirt to stone to iron to nether to technology to wealth. You can make the eras however u want, it dosent have to be the exact same whatever is easiest is fine. Tell me if you need to know anything else.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2023
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Why not make your own post following the plugin request format?
    Without pointing to video's?
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    So you basically want certain recipies to be unlocked and the ability to break certain block at each level/„era“, do I understand that correct? I can provide configuration for what exactly at which points threshold. And I will need to know all types of quests to implement, pretty hard to just do like a „general“ config for that. So from your post I see the quest type „gather x amount of x item“ - is there any other quest types you want to be available?
    And like @timtower basically said, I won‘t watch a series of videos just to find out details about the plugin - You‘ll have to tell me what those are or they won‘t be included.
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    You understand correct. So far on the series the quests have just been to get a item and bring it back to the camp counseler or get multiple and bring it back for him, the amount of points you get is normally randomised so you might have an easy quest like get a stick for 20 points or get a netherite helmet for 2 points. So you can just make it any item ranging from dirt to netherite gear it can be anything, if you want you can add different quest types if they’re easier for you to do like killing certain amount of mobs or getting an achievement like (getting an upgrade) if you want. It dosent have to be a complete replica, whatever’s easiest I’ll be more than happy with.
    raffel080108 likes this.
  14. i'm interested in this too, but no need to rush yourself, i can wait
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    Hi there, sorry for taking a lot longer than expected. Some things including school, other real-life stuff and also a simple lack of motivation has kept me from finishing the project over the past weeks... I've put a lot of extra work into it today and managed to finish the plugin.
    Please make sure to tell me if you find any bugs or have any requests for additional features, although I will most likely not be adding the later at this point in time (unless it's something I consider very quick & easy to do). I have attached the finished version (including source-code).
    You can view a list of commands (and permissions) using /minecrafteras help (or /mce help). The configurations and commands are described in much detail, so I don't believe there should be any understanding issues. If any occur anyways, feel free to contact me of course :)

    Attached Files:

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    Thank you for your message and for finishing the plugin. I understand that school and other things can get in the way, so I appreciate the extra effort you put in to finish it. I will definitely let you know if I find any bugs or have any requests for additional features, but I understand if you're not able to add them right away. Thanks again, really appreciate it.
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