Cactus Evolution ?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by FlOppy, May 24, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Hello everybody.

    I come with another plugin idea, would it possible to make another block like a cactus, for example i would like to create iron fence like cactus, so when we touche the iron fence we receive damages.

    This could be nice for prisons or military servers.

    If someone think he can make it, thank you in advance.

    Have a good day.
  2. Offline


    If you mean create a whole new block, then no that's not possible.
  3. Offline


    What he means, is making blocks also deadly - like a cactus. When you touch a block, you will take damage.
  4. Offline


    Ilike people who thinks they are more inteligent no i meant what i meant...

    Which would be only to apply a block the property as a cactus got.

    I said the example of the iron fence but it could be for example a tnt block if you touch it you lose 0.5 heart.

    So is there anyone who can make it ?

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