BukkitDev upload non-jar or non-plugin files

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by knokko, Jun 30, 2017.

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  1. Recently I created a plug-in that changes the recipes and properties of armor, depending on the config.yml of the plug-in. I used the 'Files' section of my project to upload the .jar file of my plug-in, which worked fine.

    However, it seems that I can only upload bukkit plug-ins to that section, so no other files. And after a bit of research, I saw that the forum doesn't really appreciate links to other sites.

    For now, I had like to upload some premade/example configs, but where should I upload those? And how about uploading jar files that are no plug-ins? (I might want to do that in the future)

    If I am posting this thread on the wrong section or forum, could you tell me what section would be the right section for this question?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  3. Thanks for the fast reply. I already put the direct text in code blocks, I figured that out quickly.
    I was trying to upload a direct file, not just a lot of text, so people can directly download it and paste in the folder for the plug-in. With his way, nothing could go wrong with copying and loose spaces since yml files usually don't like any space characters at the wrong place.
    With non plugins, I was thinking about a simple java application that would help with creating config files and compress them.
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    You can always include configs in the jar themselves. Calling saveDefaultConfig while having a config.yml in the root of your jar (where the plugin.yml is) will put all the text for the pre-made jar in config that will be used. Additionally, if you wanted to store multiple files and have worked with reading files from project resources, you can make a small toolkit that selects one of the premade configs.
    knokko likes this.
  5. @Zombie_Striker
    This method should work for premade configs indeed. But since those files easily reach the 20 kB and can be generated with a few lines of code, I suppose I had better hardcode a few lines for those configs. So, thank you for the idea!

    Now, I would still like to know how to add those non plugin jar files. Would there be a legitimate way to add those files to the project, or is anything in that direction completely forbidden?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @knokko Those are not allowed as far as I know, not 100% sure though
  7. So, I would have to create some kind of menu within minecraft using inventory menu's?

    Or would the Bukkit Tools section of this forum be the right place for a jar to create files like configs?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @knokko Or an online tool.
    Really depends on the difficulty in the config.
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