bukkit server question

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by turtlelord, Sep 16, 2011.

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    do bukkit servers have the ability, with a plugins help to shut off when unused for like 20 minutes, and turn on the server when someone tried to connect? or go into a hibernate mode? or is that beyond the bukkit plugins capabilities?
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    There would be no way for the plugin to detect when someone logs in if the server is already shut down, because the plugin isn't running. And no, there's no 'hibernate' mode. Server's either on or its off.

    You could write some sort of a script that takes over the minecraft port when the server is down, listens for attempted connections, and fires up the server when it detects one, but you'd still run into a situation where the user would attempt to log in, get denied (because your script would accept their connection rather than Bukkit/minecraft), and then your script would fire up the server, then they'd just have to know to try connecting again a few seconds later.
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