Bukkit problem

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ConsoleView, Jan 29, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Hey sorry for my bad English xD

    I have install Bukkit and all is ok i can install plugins like hidden door and much more. But i can't use the admin commands.
    Only in the server-console, i give me op.
    I can't do /give *myname* *id* *how much* or /kick, /ban,/spawn
    Please help. Do you think I need a extra plugin?

    Thank you.
  2. Offline


    Its a user problem.

    /#<command> not /<command>
  3. Offline


    oh thank you i'm so stupid i have before a other server where i can do !<command>
    one more question :D I search fist of god. You can give every thing one hit(stone or obsidian). Or ist this only for hey0 Server released?
  4. Offline


    There might be something like that. Haven't personally seen it on the plugin release forum, but I'm not scouring that as often as I used to. Start there and dig around.
  5. Offline


    Check out VoxelSniper, it sounds pretty similar to what you describe.
  6. Offline


    No I mean you give each material one hit. The mod name is Fist of God
  7. Offline


    You can do this with the // command in world edit, a plugin I would highly recommend.
  8. Offline


    Sounds a lot like iStick to me...
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