Bukkit Error?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by VoidingNixx, Jan 10, 2012.

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    Hey guys, over the past week or so, I've been randomly gettin' an error which keeps crashing the server. It may be Bukkit, I do not know... not seeing much console activity... just this big error that keeps popping up.

    The error pops up, disconnects everyone from the server, and no one can rejoin. However, the console remains fully functional. I am able to shutdown the server just fine and still run any console commands. When I 'list' on the console, it shows all players on, at the time of the crash, although, they are not connected.

    Here is the error I'm gettin'. Maybe someone could shed some light on this. Thanks!

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    I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and tell you its your world. Try backing up and then deleting it.
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    VoidingNixx likes this.
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    Wow, that sounds like a World issue? Interesting... and sad at the same time lol.

    btw Pezmantbh, I sent you a link via PM. Thanks a bunch dude!
  5. Offline


    It may well be a world issue. I am currently downloading your world :)

    Can you list all of your plugins? :)
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    List sent.
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