Bukkit Dispatch Command Problem

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Jag.1000, Aug 6, 2012.

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    Bukkit.getServer().dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender(), "Permissions player setperm "+king+" heir.use");
    I have king set as a global variable, and the console says
    Player craftplayer{namejag_10} now has heir.use = true

    But, it still says I do not have permission when I try the command.
    Anyone know why?
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    Sagacious_Zed Bukkit Docs

    That is the normal behavior of a toString call on any object both implicitly and explicitly.
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    You have to get player.getName() or else you get the craftplayer stuff
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    Ok, thanks! Sagacious_Zed confused me, lol.
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