Bukkit Dev policy change petition.

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by john01dav, Apr 28, 2013.


Do you aggree? Please post more below for reasons/

  1. Yes!

  2. No :(

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    I would like to make a petition for a rule change of bukkit dev policy. If you would like to "sign" this petition just vote.. Also for moderators if this is in the incorrect topic then please move it to the correct topic. And also for any problems please instead of pming me here please pm me on bukkit dev (same username).

    An example of what such a page may look like can be found at http://gpflags.net23.net
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    Moved to BukkitDev Feedback.
  3. Offline


    I think this would be a bad idea. It provides an ideal medium for spreading viruses that is much harder for BukkitDev staff to check. Because of the undue stress on staff, it would also greatly increase the time it takes for a plugin to be approved.
    caelum19 likes this.
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    I voted against this, it would give BukkitDev a bad name, people would not read the warnings and point fingers at Bukkit as soon as their server doesn't work due to a malicious plugin.

    I believe you can use CI for development builds, so that is always an upside.
  5. Offline


    Although I understand you want to be able of providing the latest of the latest to your plugin users, this would make BukkitDev so much less safe. We check all the files to make sure they're OK, to let server owners know there's no way any developer of any of their plugins will be able to do bad things to the server.
    If this would go through, all of that would be gone, giving people the potential to spread malicious files, etc.
    muffinjello and Phiwa like this.
  6. Offline


    I voted no... this would defeat the point of the BukkitDev staff working their socks off in order to keep BukkitDev's excellent reputation :)
    muffinjello and Phiwa like this.
  7. Offline


    If you had proper grammar & spelling, I would have read your main post before voting no.. But I didn't even read it after the poll title.
    muffinjello and Phiwa like this.
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    Lolmewn Do you check the CI? No, so what's stopping me from putting a virus build there?
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    From that thread:
    If I upload it on mediafire with a disclaimer, it's not on DBO and it's still up to the discretion of the user. There is no difference.
  11. Offline



    Again, there's been extensive discussion on this topic in every thread in which it has been mentioned. We've responded multiple times, so please don't take this thread offtopic by starting the discussion. You're free to bring up your concerns in a place where they are already relevant.
  12. Offline


    While I would like the ability to do this I have followed most of the discussion on previous threads and understand why the decision is the way it is and why it would be very unlikely to change. So am with the majority on this one with a no vote.
  13. Offline


    Currently people are allowed to upload dev builds on a ci server? So look at the following possibles:

    Possibility 1:

    1. Bukkitdev user decides to get a malicious force op plugin that claims to do something else.
    2. Bukkitdev user uploads ok first version to get people using his plugin.
    3. He gets a ci server and then uploads the force op plugin
    4. People download the dev builds and get there servers hacked.

    Possibility 2:

    1. Bukkitdev user decides to get a malicious force op plugin that claims to do something else.
    2. Bukkitdev user uploads ok first version to get people using his plugin.
    3. He gets a static download page and then uploads the force op plugin.
    4. People download the dev builds and get there servers hacked.

    What is the difference may I ask?
  14. Offline


    This is the wrong place to discuss this as previously stated and your questions are mostly answered in this post as well

    More specifically this post by TnT http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/linking-to-unapproved-files.139248/page-2#post-1629019
    np98765, MrBluebear3 and Gravity like this.
  15. Offline


    You can't have a serious petition with this many mistakes.
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