Bukkit Config troubles

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Cosmicluck, May 22, 2016.

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    I have had a lot of trouble with configs in the past, and apparently today is no exception. All i'm trying to do is get the "Events" from the config example below. Basically I want to send the player a message containing the names of all the Events from this config. So in this case, the player should have a message containing "Test, Test2". However no matter what I try, it refuses to work.

    I have tried using these methods:

    List<String> events = getConfig().getStringList("Events");
    for (String key : ec.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("Events").getKeys(false)) {
         p.sendMessage("" + key);
        - Head1
        - Head2
        - Head1
        - Head2
    They either return nothing in the player's message, or in the case of the second method, gives me a nullpointerexception.

    I have never been good with configs, even after reading the configuration API multiple times. If anyone can help me out, it would be much appreciated!

    Note: ec.getConfig() is my custom config file specifically for the "Events".
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    If you look at the docs (here), by setting "deep" to false, you are only trying to get all paths inside "events". Try setting "deep" equal to true.
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