bukkit compatability issue 1.8?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by turtlelord, Sep 19, 2011.

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    im unable to use a large amount of commands, /gate -xcraftgate- /mmoedit -mcmmo- and a bunch others, i get a message
    -bukkit sad bukkit cannot let you use that command bukkit will leak tears. Or something of the sorts.

    im using essentials group managers, im an owner. and im an operator
    (i tried permissionsex but i accidently cut my head off because it has no (useful) userguide and is impossible for a newblie like me to figure it out :D)

    I can only assume this is because im running a dev build of CB? (1145)

    i did do some searching, all the replys that i found to similar or exactly the same issue was to just op themselves, but im already op'ed and owner'd with essentials group managers and still receiving the same issue

  2. Yep, you are right.
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