Bukkit as a library

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by KodzghlCZ, Apr 12, 2021.

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    I know this might sound stupid, but I am running out of ideas on how to get my stuff to work, so I'm asking here.

    The point is, that I need some way in java to generate Minecraft World. Since there are not many libraries allowing me to do that, I was just wondering if I can use the Bukkit classes to generate and save a Minecraft world to a regular file. I just need world from basic blocks, nothing special. Mostly I wanna know, if there is any possibility to do it with the Bukkit itself, or if there's any alternative available.

    Thanks for reading
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @KodzghlCZ Why do you want this? Because it sounds like something over complicated in my opinion.
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    I am doing a school project where one of the tasks is to make a piece of code that would generate a Minecraft map from specified dataset. The issue is I need to use Java for this and thus I am very limited on possibilities. I found a Java NBT editor that potentially could help me generate the map, but still I would have to figure out how to write down chunks and that would take me days to complete, so I am looking for a faster option.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @KodzghlCZ Use Bukkit all together and make a world generator plugin.
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    Thank you for your response, but that would need to run the Bukkit server, wouldn't it? I think that would be possible, but what I don't know is if it's possible to actually save that world to the file. I've been looking for a bunch of tutorials on how to make the world generator plugin, but none of them actually showed a way to generate the world into some directory. If that would be possible, I could really use the Bukkit itself and solve my issue.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @KodzghlCZ It would yes. And it auto saves to the server directory.
    Weird assignment btw.
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    Thanks for your reply. I was initially unsure if this would belong to the plugins sections, so I've chosen more generic one. If it auto saves it, there should be no problem of connecting it all together.
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