[BUKGET] Please Update your Plugin.yml Versions!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SteveMcGrath, Jan 2, 2013.

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    There are a lot of inconsitiancies between BukkitDev and what plugins are reporting to the servers. I have been able to track down a lot of plugins that arent reporting the same version that DBO is reporting. This is an issue that really needs to be addressed as it can cause a lot of issues with plugin downloaders and server admin tools. I'll be running this report (JSON formatted) for the next few weeks in hopes that the number will start to drop.

    Code: http://pastebin.com/n4G8eqLJ

    Run1: 1/2/2013 Plugins Reported: 155 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/0LKKFxGj
  2. Offline


    And a lot of devs need to add descriptions, and even titles to their plugins!
  3. Offline


    so I updated the list, now all you need to do is goto: http://bukget.org/pages/stats.html and click on the "invalid versioning list'. It's sorted based on last updated date, so all of the old cruft drops to the bottom. Enjoy!
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    randomTP (randomtp) lol768 5 Mon Mar 11 2013"
    _Husky_ you're on the list too.
  5. can you also make sutch a list for plugin devs that are missing the website tag (link to the dev page where you can download the plugin from), as my plugin uses a other download link than the name
  6. Offline


    Actually the website tag is populated in bukget either way. if one is not set, we simply use the BukkitDev page.
  7. Offline


    Indeed. That was made before I knew about the wonders of Maven. I still increment the version number on the BukkitDev game version field, and SteveMcGrath you're probably better off using the file title since it's enforced more.
  8. Offline


    I'm in twice. D: Knowing that I should change the version number, I still always forget it, for some reason... But thanks for the reminder, I'll change it soon. ;) :)
  9. Offline


    You'll have to let me know when you do, as I will have to manually remove the flag.
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