Suggested name: BiomeChunkDiscovery What I want: A simple plugin that broadcast when a player discover a newly generated biome chunk on the server. New biome discovery as in new biome for the map and only on newly generating chunk's biomes. config.yml discoverymessage: "&6 Land Discovery! &e{player}, &rjust discovered more new lands on the server. Requirements: No commands or permissions needed. When I like it by: As soon as you have time to code this! Thanks, madtomic
@madtomic I'm quite sure that there's no need to use flatfile storage, if I remember correctly, there's a chunk load/generate event in Bukkit. Also, you do realise that a 'chunk' is a 16x16 area of land (it's divided this way so Minecraft can save it easily, and so it isn't too consuming to be sent to a client). therefore, for every 16 blocks traveled in a new area (if you're heading straight along the X or Z axis, another of these messages will be sent out. Do you still want this?
Or, for a more reasonable/contextual broadcast, make it on biome discovery and then broadcast what biome was found?
@oliver276 Give it a shot, maybe go with biome discovery? @BreezerFly I like that. Biome discovery, broadcast when a player comes across a new biome.
Define a new biome. New biome for that player? New biome for the map? New biome from what their current chunk biome is? New biome compared to other generating chunk's biomes?