Boolean onCommand dont work

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ArsenArsen, Jul 3, 2014.

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    Hello! I have been making new plugin. I did all good ant then, i started on server. Plugin enabled sucessfully, but when i do command, nothing happend, just say usage: from plugin.yml
    onCommand boolean
    Log is having no errors!
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    This is your main class or implements commandexecutor ?
  3. Offline


    Main class
    public class Main extends JavaPlugin
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    Maybe use : command.getName().equ...("cmd"){
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    work just tentmod aka tm command
  6. Offline


    ArsenArsen if your trying to make a tm aliases just add this

    command.getName().equals("tentmod") | command.getName().equals("tm")){

    and make sure you add aliases in your plugin.yml under the command tentmod.
    or, you can add a new command to the plugin.yml. Either one works.
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    mactown21 No need to do that, Command#getName() would return 'tentmod' if an alias was used.
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    mactown21 ....what? Telling people that ' x is the problem and y is the solution ', when its not true and is only telling the user to do something that won't solve the problem properly matters a lot. If you go around teaching bad habits, those habits will spread.
    ArsenArsen Use Command#getName() instead of the alias, it supports every alias for the command and is the more "proper" way to do it.
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    I think it cus i did if(args.length == 1){
    if(args.length == 2){

    May be problem, i moved and dont work, i think its cuz if sender instanceof Player
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    xTigerRebornx Im not fixin the problem to his solution, he was saying if his problem is fixed he might add an aka tm as an alias of tentmod.
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    ArsenArsen There are a few things I noticed:
    You are comparing Strings with ==, you should be using String#equals() instead.
    Your check for if there are 2 arguments is inside the check for if there is 1 argument, meaning it will never reach that point (You seemed to have noticed this)

    There may be a few things that I am missing, but it looks like a great start minus the above things and anything else that may be pointed out by others.
  13. Offline


    does args.length need == or equals?
  14. Offline


    args.length returns int. Look up java tutorials for primitives.
    ArsenArsen and AdamQpzm like this.
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    I thought the proper way to do it was to use plugin.yml
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    hankered Proper way to do what? Adding aliases, yes, use the plugin.yml. But in your onCommand(), using Command#getName() will count for both the actual command and its alias, whereas using the command label will not.
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    Because args.length returns an int. So, if you did System.out.println(args.length); - The output would be a number. However, you are doing if(args[0[ == "example") - but that doesn't return a string, .equals() or .equalsIgnoreCase() does
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