Plugin category: RPG Suggested name: BlotheraDamage A bit about me: I am a mod for the RPG world - blothera kingdom. What I want: A plugin that can simply edit the damage of axes and bows, heres how i want the config: Damage: Bow: # GoldAxe:x WoodAxe:x StoneAxe:x IronAxe:x DiamondAxe:x Ideas for commands: /BlotheraDamage reload Ideas for permissions: BlotheraDamage.Bow: BlotheraDamage.WoodAxe: BlotheraDamage.StoneAxe: BlotheraDamage.IronAxe: BlotheraDamage.DiamondAxe: BlotheraDamage.GoldAxe When I'd like it by: As soon as possible. It makes the stability in the server. :/ Similar plugin requests: None.
Have a look at the Plugin Request Formatting Guideline, they'll give you a better chance of having your plugin made by someone!
Blothera Kingdom really need this plugin Need a dev to help us . EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.