Solved BlockBreakEvent not running

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TopTobster5, May 12, 2014.

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    Hi. I've been making a plugin and the player selects a block in it. I have done this by getting the block a player breaks and saving its location, and then cancelling the event. However, the event does not seem to be running. Here is my code:

    I can't see any obvious errors, my other events are running but this is simply not being called. I know it's not running because I have a debug message on line 78 which is not running. Am I using the wrong event?

    Thanks in advance for any help received.
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    you have'nt set the annotaion @EventHandler above your BlockBreakEvent method.
    TopTobster5 likes this.
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    thecrystalflame Good spot. Thanks again, I could of been there for hours looking for that :p
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