Block Info - Spamming Console

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by WaffleOnABike, Aug 18, 2012.

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    I'd normally be able to tell what's causing this, but I can't seem to find anything on it.

    My console just keeps getting spammed with blocks, and different types of things, which I'm guessing is blocks being broken. Anyways, here it is:

    But not just air, and doors, and signs, you'll see like, lapis blocks, and sugarcane, etc.

    Can't really figure out what it is. If you need a list of plugins or something, let me know.


  2. Offline


    The heck? No info in the log of what's causing it either lol. Did you notice this happening after installing anything in specific? It also wouldn't be a bad idea to disable each plugin one by one until the error stops, then you'll know what's causing it.
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    Yeah, I was hoping I didn't have to disable plugins one by one, but just wanted to see if this was familiar to anyone.

    I'll do that and let you know.


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