Block Breaking

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by number1_Master, Feb 23, 2013.

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    I am trying to change the length it takes to destroy x and x blocks. I've thought of numerous ways to do this but they weren't exactly amazing. I've saved those for last. Instead, I've done research and attempted other ways of extending the block destroy length.

    1.) (Did not work)
    2.) Spamming the BlockDamageEvent for as long as the player is hitting a block (Fail and Stupid)
    3.) Delaying the BlockDamageEvent and checking if the player is near the destroyed block (Not attempted, but probably not reliable)

    Any Ideas on extended the block destroy length, or block strength ?
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    As for increasing the reach length, you could try getting the block the player is looking at on the PlayerInteractEvent, then breaking it if it's in range.
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    I guess that would sorta work, but for longer delays this won't be the best. Players will be able to punch the block, look away, then look back at the block ...

    Of course, this is great if there aren't any better ways, which is what I'm concluding so far :p

    O.K. I've decided I will just loop every 10 seconds to check if the player is looking at the block, and if so, check if the player has been saved in a HashMap or something for x time.

    Hopefully that will work.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
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