blaze rod limit

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by cucci0, Sep 24, 2014.

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    i need i plugin that limit the amount of blazerods you can have! 'cause a have a plugin that gives you a blazerod when you join, but it just continues! So i want this so when you have 2 it will remove 1!
    ( it's this plugin )
  2. Offline


    Why not request that feature?
  3. Offline


    HAHAH good idea xD mrCookieSlime
    Could you take a plugin request from here, or should i create a new request?
  4. Offline


    To tag someone, you need the @ and the username to be in one word, not a space between.

    By the way, I did not understand what you just said.

    mrCookieSlime meant that you should contact the developer of Fun Cannon and ask him to add that feature.

    This thread breaks the rules of Bukkit plugin requesting because it modifies an existing plugin.
  5. Offline


    Wait what?
    I could have said what I meant right here. But
    PapiDimmi already said pretty much everything...
    PapiDimmi likes this.
  6. Offline


    I have a new idea, but instead of creating a new request, can i type it here? mrCookieSlime
  7. Offline


    Aaah, I have said this to people before:
    People do not like it when you say something like: "May I ask you a question?" Just go ahead and ask it. They will decide whether they will answer you or not. It saves time...
    The same also applies for this.
    So go ahead just ask...
  8. Offline


    can you make a plugin that makes custom mobs? It will be 4 different:
    Speeder: A brown sheep with 1 row of hearts, but after time you ride it, it will walk faster, fastest is like vanilla speed 30. it will indicate your speed in you xp-bar (max is 100), and when you start pressing the key "S" ( walk backwards ) it will almost instant stop. It's name will be Speeder. When it has 3 hearts left it will start comming smoke!

    Walker: A iron golem that has 2 rows of hearts and when you enter it your hot bar will be clear and you will get a Stick. When you exit the Walker, your inventory will be restored. The same if you leave when you are riding it! It's name will be Walker. When you enter it you will become invisible and invincible. When it has 3 hearts left it will start comming smoke!

    Tank: A cow with 2.5 rows of hearts. When you enter it your inventory will get clear and you will get a Blaze Rod and a Brick. When you exit it your inventory will be cleared. The same if you leave when you are riding it! It's name will be Tank. When you enter it you will become invisible and invincible. When it has 3 hearts left it will start comming smoke!

    Fighter: A slime with 1.5 rows of hearts. When you enter it your inventory will get clear and you will get a Nether brick. When you exit it your inventory will be cleared. The same if you leave when you are riding it! It's name will be Fighter. When you enter it you will become invisible and invincible. When it has 3 hearts left it will start comming smoke! The Slime is able to fly! It hovers 7 blocks over the ground! It will go pretty fast!
    To define where they should spawn you do /sm addspawn [Speeder/Walker/Tank/Fighter] [(time in minutes)]. And if it is another special mob in a radius of 7 blocks it won't spawn! And if a special mob is untouched in 10 minutes it will disappear( if you sit on it, it count as touched! ) When you dismount your effects (invisible and invincible) will be removed! And when you enter a sm(special mob) you will get a message in the chat "Use You WASD Keys To Move!"
    And when something dies it will explode! But it won't damage the world! Only a small amount to players in a radius of 3 blocks! mrCookieSlime
  9. Offline


    Aaaaaaalright, you should create a seperate Thread for such a long request. I dont know but for me it kinda sounds like a Mario Kart Plugin ^^
    Well, sorry but Im not gonna fill your request.
    As I said just create a Thread and someone's eventually gonna make it for you.
  10. Offline


    Yeah, okay! Btw it's StarWars xD
  11. Offline


    What? I am probably one of the biggest Star Wars and Doctor Who fans in the universe but I cannot see this as a Star Wars based Plugin ?.?
  12. Offline


    A speeder( in the wood with those small cute hair balls things )
    A walker( They have 2 or 4 legs and is "Evil")
    A Tank( A tank... )
    A Fighter( A space ship )
  13. Offline


    Ohh, so you mean
    1: Speeder
    2: AT-ST
    3: AT-TE?
    4: Republic Gunship/Star Destroyer?
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