Yes, I know there is InfinitePlots and PlotMe. But they don't fit in what I want... I would try to make a plot plugin, but I don't know how to manage worlds, so I need to request. Plugin suggested name: SuperPlots Plugin category: Not sure... World Generators maybe What I want: A plugin almost like PlotMe, but with other functions and commands, and another kind of plot generation. Every plot should be like this one: (this would be the entrance). A 100x100 plot. The slabs are the "road", the stone bricks are the under-walls, and the fences are the upper-walls. The sign showing the plot owner would be like this: (Placed at the left fence at the entrance). The entrance needs to be in the middle of the plot, and of course, in only one side. Commands: /plot claim - Claims the plot you are standing on, if it is avaliable /plot auto - Auto claims the next avaliable plot /plot name <name> - Renames your plot (Before the player renames the plot, the plot needs to have the name: <plot owner><plotID> /plot visit <player> [plot] - Visits another player's plot - If the player has only 1 plot, not needed to put the plot name on the command, but if the player has 2 or more plots, the player that is visiting should do /plot visit <player> <plot name>. If the visiting player doesn't specify a plot, shows a list of plots. /plot home <plot name> - Goes to your own <name> plot. /plot add <player> - Adds a player to build in your plot /plot remove <player> - Removes a player to build in your plot Admin commands: /plot reset - Resets a plot /plot dispose - Sets the plot as "claimable" /plot reload - Reloads the configuration Permissions: superplot.user - All the user commands superplot.admin - All the commands less /plot reload superplot.* - All the commands When I'd like it by: This or next week would be great, but I can wait a bit more. Thanks!
So basically you are asking for a different style of plot formation, with the exact same functionality of the other plot plugins. No one is really gonna take the time to make this, just because the plot formation is a little different. Its literally the exact same plugin as Plotme, just with one change....
PlotMe isn't dead, it's just that I want the build to be more stable and more tested before I release next version. I am starting my vacation and will have time to do so now.
The new version supports different plot generation, so once it's released you could ask someone to make a generator compatible with it. For the visit thing, there is a plot home command to go to other people's plots. All you have to do is give that permission. plotme.admin.home.other The syntax is /plotme home[:#] <name> Ex: /plotme home zachbora /plotme home:2 zachbora