Better MoveCraft [COMPLETE] Tell me your opinion!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Mafidog, May 5, 2011.

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    So, many of us know the MoveCraft plugin for creating and flying airships and sea vessels. It is a really nice mod, and many server owners have it in their server. However, this plugin has many negative things. One of these is that, from what I know, you cannot make your airship go up and down, or rotate 90 degrees around itself. This is what I wanna suggest here. A better MoveCraft.

    Setting up an airship

    That is the first step of creating an airship. The airship should be at least 10 x 5 x 3 big, and should have an engine, a cockpit, and some other functions such as Autopilot.

    Creating the cockpit

    The cockpit should be separated from the board, where the passengers or the cargo will be placed (Ideal for RPG servers), and could be something like this:


    This is where you put the controlling functions, which make aircraft moving easier, as it will move automatically without needing to click every time.

    To make the controls, do this:


    Stepping on the Pressure Plate will turn the mechanism into the controls!


    The left lever makes the airship rotate left, the right lever makes the airship rotate right. This might be hard from MC to perform, but I think that it is achievable, however, I would like the opinion of a pro in modding. The two levers at the middle make the airship go up and down.

    Creating the engine

    That' s easier to craft and perform. The engine will be where you will put the coal/charcoal, making the ship movement even more realistic, as it will need to consume fuel to move. A properties file could allow the server owner to set how many squares can an airship move with one unit of coal. I suggest 10.
    Here is the mechanism:


    Once the lever is pulled, the engine will appear:


    Place an ore in the top slot, and coal in the bottom slot. The coal will start disappearing if the airship moves, and the ore at top indicates the speed the airship will have. Coal cannot be placed. Iron Ingot means low speed, Gold Ingot means medium speed, Redstone means high speed and Diamond means turbo speed. The speed is made out of how many blocks an airship passes throught per second.
    Press the button to set the coal in the furnace as fuel, and the ore as speed. Pressing the button again will make the airship to start moving. To make it' s movement more realistic, the airship cannot move backwards. By pressing it, a message will appear telling you the amount of distance the airship will move, and the current speed. Press it twice to make the airship stop. In case you stop and the engine still has coal and ore, it will be returned.

    Other Functions and Mechanisms.

    This mechanism will allow the airship to move on its own, by folowing markers placed all over the server.
    To activate the autopilot, put obsidian in the top slot in furnace instead of ore, and start the engine as normal. However, you will get this message:
    "Autopilot engaged"
    After some seconds, another message will appear, telling you your next destination. Once you arrive at it, every one onboard will receive a message telling them where are you now. This is ideal for RPG servers, where teleporting isn't that realistic.
    Here is a marker:

    You can place a sign which will have the Marker' s Name somewhere on the iron block. The name should be written at the second line with ". Example:

    Where _ is the empty line in the sign.
    To set the autopilot destinations, type /autopilot set destinations, then in the next chat messages, put the name of the destinations, including ". When you' re done with that, type /autopilot lock destinations. If you want to edit the destinations, use the first command again. If autopilot reaches the final destination, it will start all over again, moving to the starting point and moving again at the set destinations.

    I know this plugin is too big, but it is just an idea.
  2. Offline


    where is the download
  3. Offline


    think this is in "suggestions" phase only, not yet materialized.
  4. Offline


    "but it is just an idea."
  5. Offline


    I really like this idea. It sounds really cool. Ill give the maker of movecraft a heads up about this.
  6. Offline


    Thanks specops, I personaly don' t run a server, but other people should be grateful to see this available for their servers. And, I really wanna learn the java programming language.
  7. Offline


    Looks awesome, i'd love something like this!

    Although one flaw:

    "You can place a sign which will have the Marker' s Name somewhere on the iron block. The name should be written at the second line with ". Example:

    No you can't. Redstone is all around the block and a torch on top, there is no room for a sign :p

    Also a suggestion: You could make a "Bigger" engine, which would be X amount of furnaces linked up together. You could possibly load them all at once with a sign too (signs can make a chest GUI appear, you'd place items in there and it would delete them, and spawn them again inside the furnaces, as if they were "moved"
    Bigger engine = further distance before refuel, or maybe you NEED a bigger engine to move at all for most vehicles. A little 4x8x4 car would only need one furnace but a huge airship would need a lot more in an "engine room"
  8. Offline


    then they can make 1 open space by making 1 redstone replaced by a sign ...
  9. Offline


    Then we could replace a redstone with a sign. Also, Flenix, you' re right, but if we had more than one furnaces we would need to put ore in all of them to indicate the speed level. Perhaps, we should make one central engine, and the other engines will only exist to consume fuel. If the vehicle IS big, then it would require more fuel.
  10. Offline


    From the looks of it, this'll be really hard. But I guess any good plugin developer will try his best and go for a shot. Gd luck :p

    Im nt implying tht I AM a plugin developer, just sayin
  11. Offline


    Why does this say complete? It has not even been started.
  12. Offline


    Seems a good idea but it only seems to cover just airships. There is a lot more that Movecraft does offer in terms of vehicle types and the "movecraft" can travel up and down. Also, the more recent test versions of movecraft are getting closer and closer to turning the craft. However, I like the furnace idea and even using redstone or something to designate the craft as operable other than just a sign. Obviously a furnace as an engine is good, maybe other items or blocks to give the vehcile neccessary properties to function...

    Our biggest challenge is keeping people from mucking about and leaving abandoned craft scattered about the maps or taking off with chunks of buildings, docs, roofs, whatever.

    I think with time you will see Movecraft is trying to accomplish some of the key things in your ideas there.
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    @Xaostica I hope the same too :).
    Actually, I talked about airships because I believe that it is the most popular type of vehicle with this plugin...
    Let' s hope Movecraft will be one day even more better than this post' s idea.
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