Better Anvil Use

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Jake_OP, Jan 14, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Mechanics.

    Minecraft version: 1.11 and higher.

    Suggested name: Custom Anvils

    What I want: There are some plugins for renaming with /rename , but there aren't plugins that let you ban some names for some items. I want a plugin that will ban names chosen by you in the config and you can choose if the name is totally banned or banned only for chosen items. I want to have a custom GUI where you can use the anvil and where it will cost money from your balance and/or XP.

    Ideas for commands: /anvil --- shows you the anvil GUI

    /anvil op --- shows you the anvil GUI with no costs

    Ideas for permissions: anvil.banname.which --- banname is the banned name "name" ; which is all so it'll ban this name for all items or write item id's so it's banned only for these items

    anvil.use.rank --- use is the feature "combine"/"rename"/"usecommand" /"useop"; rank is the needed permission player has to has to use this feature (usecommand is a feature letting you use thecommand /anvil ; useop is the same but for /anvil op)

    anvil.costm.costxp.feature --- cost is what's the cost for using the feature (costm is amount of money ; costxp is amount of xp ; they both can be set to 0) ; feature is what's the cost for "combine"/"rename" ; if you set costm.costxp to false, you ban the use of the feature

    anvil.normaluse.costm.costxp.feature --- same like anvil.costmm.costxp.feature but for normal anvil ; again, you can set it to false

    When I'd like it by: When you can make it. :D
  2. Offline


    I don't think I need it now. Please, don't make it.

    I close the thread.
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