I'm looking for a 1.7.3 version of the stargate plugin located here: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/tp-stargate-v0-6-10-the-bukkit-port-a-portal-plugin-1317.3927/ I have tried the 1317 version but it throws errors. If anyone has this plugin or knows where I can get it, it would be greatly appreciated. Also does anyone know where I could get Towny for cb1060 and this plugin: https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/r...-police-doctors-diseases-and-more-1060.25519/? ~ Jay.
Sorry for the necro, but I though I would just bump instead of posting again. I'm still looking for this plugin, and if anyone else knows where I could get Minebackup for 1.7.3/1060 it would be great. Thanks!
If i get the perms for it, i could probably "downgrade" the plugin. [EDIT] Nevermind, would be too hard. I am actually making a plugin that makes it feel like you are playing in Alpha.(Removing certain blocks, recipes, not able to sprint, you got it)
ImJay http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/multiverse-portals/files/ Multiverse Portals go back to CB1060... that's the only one I can think of though
ImJay If you can get me a 1.7.3 .jar file then I could probably compile CreativeGates for you! (I can get a source for it from July 2011... Which is around 1.7.3 release!) Wormhole-X-Treme is also a possibility! I just need that 1.7.3 jar to compile off of...
You mean a Beta 1.7.3/CB 1060 jar? I believe The 1317 version throws a few errors on cb1060, so it will need to be modified (https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/tp-stargate-v0-6-10-the-bukkit-port-a-portal-plugin-1317.3927/). EDIT: Updated the main post. Now looking for towny too.
ImJay I'm not positive this will work... but here try this CreativeGates: Download https://www.dropbox.com/s/9b4mm98k5l5j72m/iConomy.jar https://www.dropbox.com/s/eo85ika1mcawr7v/Permissions.jar https://www.dropbox.com/s/eq1lrh8zvq09zjc/Questioner (1).jar https://www.dropbox.com/s/q8snn7sk5rj618s/Towny-2.jar https://www.dropbox.com/s/8zitx801qxe8kaf/Towny-1.jar There... I'm not sure which version of Towny will work (I don't have versions... only dates), so try both. Questioner should be the right version, iConomy is there because Towny uses it, Permissions is apparently how the ancient Towny handles permissions, and that is about it. I killed towny's support for Essentials, because I didn't want to have to go find an ancient build of Essentials ... That just means Essentials TP cool downs won't affect Towny. (I just compiled lots of ancient sources :S) @ImJay
Now looking for Careers: https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/r...-police-doctors-diseases-and-more-1060.25519/ Any help is appreciated!
I'm running on the extremely slim chance someone has/knows where I can get one that was left alone since the link was removed.