Filled Berserker

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by 123keelos, Apr 14, 2015.

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    HI! I want a plugin called Berserker. So basically what it does it gives u strength, regen, speed, fire resist and probably other potion effects. It is just like the mcMMO but with little tweaks (i want this cuz i dont really use mcMMO for my Prison server).


    - Just a reload command would be good as well as a help page

    Suggested Commands:
    - /berserker rl - Reload
    - /berserker reload - Reload
    - /berserker - Help page


    berserker.use - Allow using the plugin

    Plugin Stuff:

    I want to config.yml to look something like this

    Config.yml (open)

    speed-power: <power>
    regen-power: <power>
    fire-resist-power: <power>
    time-active: 5 #seconds
    cooldown: 90 #seconds
    messages: lang_en.yml or any other file name

    ...and finally I want another file for messages. I want the name to be either lang_en.yml or just messages.yml

    lang_en.yml or messages.yml (open)

    active-msg: '&aBerserker has been activated'
    inactive-msg: '&cBerserker has worn off'
    deny-msg: '&c&oYou cannot do this'
    cooldown-msg: 'You must wait %seconds% to do this'
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    @123keelos How do you want the berserker effect to be activated? By command, event, etc.?
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    Sorry but i do not need this plugin anymore
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    @ForsakenRealmz I would still like this if possible?
    Possible by typing the command /berserker (Or anything else really, ;pp)

    I still want to see this a thing :)
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    @MoejoeAw44 I had pretty much finished this plugin by the time the OP posted he no longer needed it. It has everything he wanted, but you initiate the Berserk with /berserker, instead of it being like McMMO. The OP never said how he wanted the effects to be created.

    berserker.use - Allows a player to use /berserker
    berserker.reload - Used to reload the configuration file if you make any changes

    /berserker reload, rl

    Download Link:
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