Beginner help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Infernus, Feb 24, 2011.

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    Hey people!

    Before I played this game I played another game where I also had learned the coding language pretty good.

    Since I now own my own server on Minecraft I would love to develop some plugins for my server, but I have no idea where to start. That's why I am posting here, does anyone have good tutorials for me? Should I follow plain old Java tutorials first?

    The previous language I coded in was named UnrealScript and seems pretty similar to Java in my opinion.

    If I posted in the wrong section, I am sorry, I am new :p
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    Ryan Carretta

    If you are new to programming in general, some information on Java couldn't hurt. ;)

    For Bukkit, a good place to start is the Wiki:
  3. Offline


    is there an alternate to ichat at the moment?
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    Thanks guys :D

    Will sure take a look at java first! Already tried Samkio Basic Tutorial and it works, but now let's first learn the basics of Java, otherwise I won't be able to write anything from scratch. ;)

  6. Offline


    Some parts of Samkio's tutorials are out of date so be careful (unless they were updated since I last checked)
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    Your right ursa, the package name and the TSLPC error will pop up... still you have to give me credit for the epic OldSpice Man meme quote [​IMG]
  8. Offline


    Yes, but for that just visit the TSLPC link at the top of this forum to see what you need to change :)
  9. Offline


    ok i also want to lern programming for bukkit and the links seem to be quite good:)
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    I have been using Samkio's Tutorials. They are quite useful, and I am sure I would not be anywhere near where I am today if not for him.
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