Bedrock onDamage Event (does it still exist?)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by KayoticSully, Feb 27, 2011.

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    I had a plugin that did some stuff when someone "hit" or damaged a bedrock block. Since a recent update it seems that the onDamage event is not getting fired at all when a player hits a bedrock block. Is there a different event that is fired off specifically for bedrock when it is hit? Either way, how can I tell if bedrock has been hit by a player?
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    Edward Hand

    The only thing I can think of is PLAYER_ANIMATION which is triggered when a player swings their arm. You could use then find the block they're looking at and if its obsidian do whatever. make sense?
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    Yes, I was thinking about that too, but my only concern was that it might put a lot of unwanted strain on the server just because of the sheer volume of times that event goes off with many people on the server. Or is it really not a whole lot of strain on the server even with that volume of events?
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    Edward Hand

    Well, its not going to be that much more than if you were using blockDamage events is it? If anything it will be less.
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    Actually, your right. Sometimes when I try to find a solution to a problem I overlook the obvious.

    Thanks, you've pointed me in the right directions.
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