Plugin Request BBounty-Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Official BlackDino12, Jan 22, 2015.

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  1. This is a plugin i've thought about for a long time now and i've never been able to make it come true.
    If someone will create this for me I will give full accreditation.
    Here's what I need completed and if you want to help my dream come true please contact me.

    BBounty Plugin:

    The “Bloody Bounty Plugin” allows players to set bounty on other same-server players, and if nobody chooses to set a bounty the plugin will set one for you depending on the amount of kills you have in a row without death. The plugin also gives players ranks depending on how many players they’ve killed with or without bounties. Once the bountied player is killed you are given the players head and the amount of money bountied on the dead player.


    - /BountyMenu - Shows you all the Bounty commands in this order and its purpose.

    - /BountyStats - Shows how many players you’ve killed that had a bounty on them, or how many players have set a bounty on you. Example of what it should look like below

    Bounty Stats:

    Current Bounty: {Cost of your death}

    Bountied Hunted: {Amount of players with bounties you’ve killed}

    Players Bountied: {How many players you’ve bountied}

    Enemy Bounty: {How many bounties have been placed on you}

    - /Bounty {player-name} set {Amount of money} - This command allows a player to set a bounty to another. May only bounty a player every 15 minutes, and can only bounty your previous bounty every 2 hours.

    - /BountyLevel - Shows the amount of points gained and needed until next level. Example of what it should look like below

    Bounty-Level: {Bounty-Rank} - {Current Points}/{Needed Points} - Shows your bounty level.

    - /BountyLeaderBoard - Shows top 8 players with the most points. Example shown below

    1st - {player-name}:{Total-Points}

    2nd - {player-name}:{Total-Points}

    3rd - {player-name}:{Total-Points}

    4th - {player-name}:{Total-Points}

    5th - {player-name}:{Total-Points}

    6th - {player-name}:{Total-Points}

    7th - {player-name}:{Total-Points}

    8th - {player-name}:{Total-Points}
    Admin Only Commands:

    - /BountyPoints {player-name} give {Point Amount}

    - /BountyPoints {player-name} remove {Point Amount}

    - /BountyPointsReset {player-name} - this allows Admin to reset a players level back down to 1.


    Ranks: Points needed are followed.

    - Tracker (0-10)

    - Mercenary (11-60)

    - Swordsmen (61-210)

    - Soldier (211-820)

    - Assassin (821-2100)

    - Ruthless (2101-5630)

    - Master Hunter (5630-12050)

    - Champion Hunter (12051)

    Points: Determines your reward for a kill.

    - UnBountied Kill = 1 Point

    - Bountied Kill - 3 Points

    RankTypeVisibility: This is what other players see over your head (Not including the “-“ or (Rank-Name))

    - Rank: 1Ω (Tracker)

    - Rank: 2Ω (Mercenary)

    - Rank: 3Ω (Swordsmen)

    - Rank: 4Ω (Soldier)

    - Rank: 5Ω (Assassin)

    - Rank: 6Ω (Ruthless)

    - Rank: 7Ω (Master Hunter)

    - Rank: 8Ω (Champion Hunter)

    Thanks too anyone who read this Thread. If you have any questions or thoughts place in comments.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2015
  2. Offline


    In order to make the name stuff as easy as possible, are you using any sort of scoreboard teams for anything? I am also going to assume that by money you mean Vault.
    Also, what exactly do you mean by players setting each others bounties? Correct me if I'm wrong but one of your players will probably attempt to beat the system by setting an enormous bounty on his friend's life, killing him, and then the reverse. If a player sets a custom bounty, should the money be paid from their account?
    Next question. What version of Bukkit are you using? 1.7.10 seems to change the scheduler somewhat.

    using what ratio

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2016
  3. If a person gets atleast 5 kills in a row he'll be bountied, sorry forgot to put that in there :D.

    I also forgot to place this aswell but you're only allowed to place a bounty on someone from 100 to 1000 in game money from their account, and a person can only have one bounty on them. And im using 1.8.1 version of bukkit.

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
  4. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to Bukkit alternatives
  5. Offline


    @Official BlackDino12 You didn't answer my question about the scoreboards. I've got enough information to start building, but the scoreboard thing is important.
  6. If you mean what you see on the side while your player, then I would like it to show
    Rank: {Rank-Type}
    ============== Enough to cover the row :D
    Points: {Total-Points}

    Money: {Total-Money}

    KillStreak: {Current-Kills-Before-Death}
    Kills: {Total-Kills}
    BountyKills: {Total-Bounty-Kills}

    And thanks so much for helping me.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2015
  7. Offline


    Last edited: Jan 23, 2015
  8. No i dont need Team Scoreboards. If that's what your asking.
  9. Offline


    And just so we're clear: If Player 1 sets a $500 bounty on Player 2, and player 3 kills player 2, player 3 gets $500 from Player 1. Right? But, if Player 2 just gets a 5 kill streak, and a $500 bounty gets placed on his life automatically, the money just comes from nowhere?
  10. Correct, but when player 1 sets the bounty they automatically lose the money in case they lose the money. And correct again :D. Sorry for such confusion.
  11. Offline


    Last edited: Jan 23, 2015
  12. What other player, if you meen the same person who bounties someone else again then they can still do that as long as they got the money, if someone else bounties a player who's already bountied. Id'e like it to say. Sorry this person currently has a bounty.
  13. Offline


    @Official BlackDino12 Is the bounty removed if its target dies? Like, is it single-use?

    Not sure I know how to do per-player scoreboards, and will probably screw up the entire plugin by trying.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2016
  14. If the target is killed by another player then the bounty is removed.
    Oh, and don't worry about that scoreboard if you think you cant do it. It's fine.
  15. Offline


    @Official BlackDino12 Status update: Finished the two main parts of the plugin, the kill listener and the /bounty command. The command was pretty complex, so I expect a couple of bugs to crop up. Starting work on the rest now.
  16. Thanks dude so much.
  17. Offline


    @Official BlackDino12 All righty, finished. BloodyBounty.jar
    Changes from your original vision:
    There is no /bountyleaderboard. Couldn't figure it out. Should be on the scoreboard sidebar, though.
    Ω does not prefix the player's name, instead it is below their name in the scoreboard slot.
    You can see the stats of anyone, but only the points of yourself.
    Rather than separate words add and remove, just use a negative number in /bountypoints.
    You do not use the word set in the command /bounty creeperkills1000 577.
    About halfway through building the plugin I realized I was using the name BloodyBounty instead of BBounty. Hope it doesn't matter.
    Otherwise, it's exactly as you said. I fully expect some bugs and recommend that you test it thoroughly before using it on a public server. PM me if it begins to glitch.
  18. k Thanks

    I'm running craftbukkit.jar 1.8 and the plugin doesnt show up

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2016
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