Ban Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Google123, Mar 4, 2019.

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    Plugin category: Ban Manager

    Minecraft version: 1.8.8

    Suggested name: BanX

    What I want:
    1. Full UUID support
    2. Ability to view players' previous username(s) - date of change
    3. Full server lockdown - Prevent anyone from joining with a custom message (Such as bot attacks)
    4. Offline player name auto completion
    5. Duplicate IP detection
    6. Multiline kick messages (No more running off the screen!)
    7. Notifications when a banned player tries to join (A permission for that)
    8. Customize every color
    9. Block commands like /me when muted
    10. BungeeCord support
    11. Relative times and not relative (egg. You are banned until 4:23 PM EST or for 6min and 3sec)

    Ideas for commands:
    There will be a aliases section
    <> = Required [] = Optional -s = silent (you probably know that one) Temp = Temporary/Temporarily (again, you know) s = sec, m = min, h = hr, d = day,
    w = week,M = month, y = year

    Anything that has a -s on it means that if -s is not applied, it will be broadcasted!​
    1. /ban <player | UUID> [reason] [-s] - Bans the player
    2. /tempban <player | UUID> <number, s|m|h|d|w|M|y> [reason] [-s] - TempBans the player
    3. /unban <player | UUID> [-s] - UnBans the player
    4. /ipban <player | UUID | IP> [reason] [-s] - Bans everyone using that Ip
    5. /tempipban <player | UUID | IP> <number, s|m|h|d|w|M|y> [reason] [-s] - TempIpBans everyone using that Ip
    6. /unipban <player | UUID | IP> [-s] - UnBans everyone using that Ip
    7. /clearbans <player | UUID | IP> [-s] - Clears the player's/everyone using that Ip's ban history
    8. /mute <player | UUID> [reason] [-s] - Mutes the player
    9. /tempmute <player | UUID> <number, s|m|h|d|w|M|y> [reason] [-s] - TempMutes the player
    10. /unmute <player | UUID> [-s] - UnMutes the player
    11. /ipmute <player | UUID | IP> [reason] [-s] - Mutes everyone using that Ip
    12. /tempipmute <player | UUID | IP> <number, s|m|h|d|w|M|y> [reason] [-s] - TempIpMutes everyone using that Ip
    13. /unipmute <player | UUID | IP> [-s] - UnMutes everyone using that Ip
    14. /clearmutes <player | UUID | IP> [-s] - Clears the player's/everyone using that Ip's mutes
    15. /warn <player | UUID> [reason] [-s] - Warns the player
    16. /tempwarn <player | UUID> <number, s|m|h|d|w|M|y> [reason] [-s] - TempWarns the player.
    17. /unwarn <player | UUID> [-s] UnWarns the player's last warning
    18. /ipwarn <player | UUID | IP> [reason] [-s] - Warns everyone using that Ip
    19. /tempipwarn <player | UUID | IP> <number, s|m|h|d|w|M|y> [reason] [-s] - TempWarns everyone using that Ip
    20. /unipwarns <player | UUID | IP> [-s] - UnWarns the last warnings of everyone using that Ip
    21. /clearwarns <player | UUID | IP> [-s] Clears the player's/everyone using that Ip's warnings
    22. /kick <player | UUID> [reason] [-s] - Kicks the player
    23. /ipkick <player | UUID | IP> [reason] [-s] - Kicks everyone using that Ip
    24. /kickall [!<player | UUID | IP>] [reason] - Kicks all players except those in the ! arg
    25. /clearkicks <player | UUID | IP> [-s] - Clears the player's/everyone using that Ip's kicks
    26. /getip <player | UUID> - Sends the sender the player's Ip
    27. /forcespawn <player | UUID | Ip> - Teleports someone/every one using that Ip to the spawn (twice, so /back won't work)
    28. /lockdown <all | join> [!<player | UUID | IP>] [reason] - Locks down the server from either all players that are online (kicks them) except those players/everyone using that Ip in the ! arg or players that join
    29. /history <player | UUID | IP | page,number> - Sends the ban/mute/kick history of either a player/everyone using that Ip or the server (egg. for player: Banned until 4:32 PM EST, Mutes:
      for Ip: Players on Ip: [number] number of bans on the ip: mutes: kicks:
      for server: Players Banned: [number] Muted, Kicked, etc) to the sender
    30. /getuuid <player> - Gibes you the UUID of the player
    31. /whitelist <on | off | list | add | remove> - C'mon, you know what this does (and I can't explain in lol)


    Ideas for permissions:
    1. banx.ban
    2. banx.ipban
    3. banx.clearbans
    4. banx.mute
    5. banx.ipmute
    6. banx.clearmutes
    7. banx.warn
    8. banx.ipwarn
    9. banx.clearwarns
    10. banx.kick
    11. banx.ipkick
    12. banx.kickall
    13. banx.clearkicks
    14. banx.getip
    15. banx.forcespawn
    16. banx.lockdown.use
    17. banx.lockdown.bypass
    18. banx.history
    19. banx.getuuid
    20. banx.whitelist
    21. banx.whitelist.bypass

    When I'd like it by: Whenever possible
  2. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Bungeecord requires offline mode
    Offline mode is not supported by Bukkit
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