Hey, I have been wanting to BAN some commands AKA /kill or /manuadd <name> owner But how do i ban the commands. I saw a little bit in help.yml from Bukkit. And for groupmanager is the ANY NAME COMMAND like {name} or <name> Please Help
if u use essentials, u can disable the use of different commands look in the config file to disable it. But u cant disable only /manuadd <name> owner, u disable the whole /manuadd command, or u use a permmission plugin to disable people to use that command.
groupmanager is a permission plugin, which gives /manuadd command..? please see my signature for how to use groupmanager.
I know i meant that if he uses essentials, he can completely remove the command, it wont give a response on that command, and an other way was, that he could use group manager to disable the usages of commands by different groups.
that first one wouldnt work, because essentials disabled-commands only works for essentials commands, and groupmanager is standalone.
Thanks but this doesnt really HELP ME?? ='( If anyone can find anything that is therefor useful please let me know. Plus if I was to disable groupmanager.manuadd Does that mean all of the ranks cant be upgraded? Should I add a dot so I can make it a group? EXAMPLE :- groupmanager.manuadd.owner groupmanager.manuadd.Executive EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Hello. in your permissions file/groups.config you need to add the permission such as - -essentials.ban it needs to have the - before it to disable it for a group.