Automatic Updating Signs

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ElliottOlson, Jun 23, 2014.

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    I am trying to add Automatic Updating Signs to my plugin. I have stored the signs location, but when ever I try to get that signs location through a method, and change the text on it, it doesn't change it.

    Could anyone help me with a method of getting the location and changing the text on that specific sign?

    Thank you.
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    1. @EventHandler
    2. private void t(SignChangeEvent e){
    3. Sign s = (Sign)e.getBlock().getState();
    4. e.getLines();
    5. e.setLine(0, stirng);
    6. s.setLine(0, string);
    7. s.update();
    8. }
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    BungeeTheCookie How would I call this event? Could I call this though a command being executed?
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    Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(listener, plugin)
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    You're talking about different things:
    BungeeTheCookie: you've created an event which will be fired if a player creates a sign

    But the TO want to change the lines of a sign; use:

    Sign s = (Sign) yourSignBlock.getState();
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    The event calls when the sign is modified, he can just call it and change it under conditions using if() statements
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    BungeeTheCookie two things. 1) Why are you even listening to the event in the first place, since he is using Bukkit to change the lines (rather than a player). 2) Why are you using the Sign object while the event will override everything after it has been processed?

    ElliottOlson Assuming you have the Sign object, just call update() after changing the lines
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