Automated user registration

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by m5k, Jul 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    So my server keeps growing and I can barely keep up with the applications even having a mod around. Our server applications are a simple code. It's explained how to get the right code right after reading all the rules in a wall of text format. Let me elaborate:
    We have around 15 classes that a person can apply as. Each has a number 1-15. The code is todays month + day - classnumber. So applying for the first class on the list on 2011.07.09, the code would be 15.
    Now on to the plugin itself. To automize this I would need a plugin that would change people's permissions group if they write the correct code. For example the person would need to write
    /register Miner 15
    Then the plugin would check the date and do the math (hopefully add the ability to set the plugin date with a command since my remote server has the wrong date set up). If the code is correct it would add the player to the correct permissions group and add an entry in a log file to see who joined when. It would also write a message to everyone saying something like "Player has chosen the class X". If the code is incorrect it would also log it and deny the player to attempt writing the code again for a day.

    Now if you think you might want to take up this kind of plugin, I already have another feature suggestion. Changing people's class shouldn't be a chore for the mods either, so add a 7 day cooldown (based on the date set with the command during the configuration. This should reduce lag as it would only check the cooldown when the player tries to change his class and it wouldn't have to count ticks for each player. The command could be something like
    /class Miner
    The name of it would simply be the name of the permissions group (or you could set names for each class in the config if you wanna be fancy). Changing class would print a message to everyone saying that someone changed their class from X to Y. There should also be a limit which classes can change to which, so people don't switch from Miner to admin if ya know what I mean.

    This is a wall of text, though it shouldn't be too difficult to code.
    I would be willing to pay 10$ if you kept the plugin private (1$ for each update). If you don't want to keep it private I don't mind as long as you make it.
  2. Offline


    If you TL;DR then here's a short version:
    players can't build when they join, they need to register to get the permissions group they want (I have: miner, lumberjack, etc.). They register with this command:
    /register <Permissiongroup> <Number>
    Number is equal to:
    <today's day> + <current month> - <permissiongroup number>
    Player registers successfully - it is logged in a log file, a message is displayed.
    Player fails to register (wrong code/group) - it is logged in a log file silently. He can't try again until the day ends.
    Player fails to register (incorrect syntax) - he is allowed to try again.
    How the config file should look:
    #How many times a player can attempt to register.
    tries: 1
    #How many days does a player have to wait until he can try again.
    daysdenied: 1
    #Groupchange on/off (true or false)
    groupchangeenabled: true
    #How many days have to pass until a player can change his group again.
    groupchangedelay: 7
    #Permission groups. Syntax: '    - Groupname Number'
        - Miner 1
        - Lumberjack 7
    Once a player has registered he can change his group with this command:
    /class Name
    He has unlimited tries, the delay starts when he's successful.
  3. Offline


    Ok, so if i get it right.

    You want something that makes player choose a class, where the plugin will automaticly sets the player in the right group with the right permissions?
  4. Offline


    First join would simply do the /pr w:<WORLDNAME> parents add <CLASS HE CHOSE>
    And class change would do two commands:
    /pr w:<WORLDNAME> parents remove <CURRENT CLASS>
    /pr w:<WORLDNAME> parents add <CLASS HE CHOSE>
  5. Offline


    Anyone? This would reduce hours of daily work for my moderators.

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