
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by andrewginn, Mar 29, 2016.

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    Suggested name: Auto-Plotmine!

    What I want: So for instance someone donates for a plotmine they receive a block with a id for a block which can be determined in the config and they can place it down in their plot (PlotMeSquared Plugin) and it will create a size which will be determined by the speciality of the block for instance they may have purchased a special plotmine block which does a 5x5 area, I would like the areas to go to 20x20. The mine will also reset whatever time is determined in the config, the mine would also reset silently so it does not announce anything into the chat.

    Ideas for commands: /autopmine give {name} 5x5
    /autopmine give {name} 10x10
    /autopmine give {name} 15x15
    /autopmine give {name} 20x20
    /autopmine reload (Reloads the config)
    /autopmine delete (Deletes the plotmine they are standing on)

    Ideas for permissions: Only for OP's

    When I'd like it by: When ever it's possible
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