Plugin Help ASkyblock - Can't break blocks

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by schilligb741, Dec 26, 2015.

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    Here is my config for the plugin. I recently changed it to the new version but is still being generated. Anyway, a normal user seems to not be able to open or break and blocks of any kind on their own island. However once opted they can. There are no flags in the sky block world with world guard and i can't seem to figure if i need a perm to allow breaking on your own island. thanks for any help you can give.

    Config for ASkyblock (open)

    # Config for A SkyBlock (also playable as AcidIsland)
    # For initial set up you must configure or check at least these settings:
    # 1. distance (in the island section) - the distance between islands
    # 2. resetmoney - set to true so that everyone starts with nothing
    # 3. islandLevel - the height you want your islands to float
    # 4. protectionRange - big a player's island is at the start
    # The plugin will NOT start until #1 is set!!!

    ##### Island Related Settings #####

    # Space between islands in blocks - NEVER change this mid-game.
    # Values for a new world:
    # 400 - puts players distance enough that they usually cannot see each other
    # 200 - allows some expansion of the protected zone (recommended)
    # 110 - for compatibility with established worlds. Cozy.
    # 50 - minimum - not recommended
    # You MUST set this value to start the plugin!

    distance: 200

    # The size of the protective region for new islands.
    # Large sizes will slow down island level calculation
    # when players do /is level.
    # Value MUST be an even number.
    # Recommended size is 100 because it gives players a good starting size.
    # Minimum size is 50.
    # Admins can change protection sizes for players individually using
    # Value must be at least 16 blocks less than the island distance unless you set
    # overridelimit: true below.

    protectionRange: 100

    # If you want to have protection range = distance set the following to true.
    # It may result in incomplete deletion of islands. Not recommended, but not fatal.
    overridelimit: false

    # Start islands at these coordinates. This is where new islands will start in the
    # world. These must be a factor of your island distance, but the plugin will auto
    # calculate the closest location on the grid. Islands develop around this location
    # both positively and negatively in a square grid.
    # If none of this makes sense, leave it at 0,0.
    startx: 0
    startz: 0

    # Max team size
    maxteamsize: 12
    # VIP team size - set by permission
    vipteamsize: 8
    # VIP2 team size - set by permission
    vip2teamsize: 12

    # Items that will be in the chest when the player starts an island
    # Must be in Bukkit Materials format. Format is <Material>:<Qty>
    # or <Material>:<Data>:<Qty>
    # Use <Data> to set the durability of a item or to select sub-items/colors.
    # Format for POTION is POTION:<effect>:<qty> or POTION:<effect>:<type>:<qty>
    # <type> is EXTENDED, SPLASH or EXTENDEDSPLASH. Not all potions can be extended.
    # Check console for errors and guidance after reloading configuration
    # Schematics can override this - see schematicsection


    # Your island companion
    # RABBIT, WOLF or NOTHING. Default is COW.

    companion: COW

    # This is a list of names, picked at random that will apply to the companion
    # You can add more if you like. If none are listed, the companion will not be
    # named.
    - "&9[player]'s cow"
    - "&cEmergency &fFood?"
    - "&aD&6a&di&6s&9y"

    # Island Protection Settings

    # PVP is allowed or not.
    allowPvP: true
    allowNetherPvP: false
    # Other players can break blocks or not or generally damage things
    allowbreakblocks: false
    # Other players can place blocks
    allowplaceblocks: false
    # Allow players to be able to sleep in beds not on their island
    allowbeduse: true
    # Allow players to use buckets, either fill or dump them
    allowbucketuse: true
    # Allow players to shear sheep
    allowshearing: true
    # Allow players to throw enderpearls and teleport
    allowenderpearls: true
    # Allow players to use doors or trapdoors. If a door is operated by a button or redstone, this does not count
    allowdooruse: false
    # Allow players to use levers or buttons
    allowleverbuttonuse: false
    # Allow players to trample crops
    allowcroptrample: false
    # Allow players to access chests of any kind, droppers, dispensers and hoppers
    allowchestaccess: false
    # Allow players to access furnaces
    allowfurnaceuse: false
    # Allow players to adjust diodes or comparators
    allowredstone: false
    # Allow players to use jukeboxes, eject discs and hit note blocks
    allowmusic: false
    # Allow players to use crafting benches
    allowcrafting: true
    # Allow players to use cauldrons and brewing stands
    allowbrewing: false
    # Allow gates to be used
    allowgateuse: false
    # Allow friendly mobs to be hurt (cows etc.)
    allowhurtmobs: false
    # Allow monsters to be hurt (creepers,slimes, etc.)
    # Don't change this to false unless you accept that island visitors will not be
    # able to defend themselves!
    allowhurtmonsters: true
    # Allow Enderman Griefing (default is to allow, see next setting)
    allowendermangriefing: true
    # Make enderman drop the block he is holding if he dies (recommended)
    endermandeathdrop: true
    # Allow creeper explosion damage to block (explosion still hurts)
    allowcreeperdamage: true
    # Allow TNT damage to blocks (stops players using TNT to destroy other's islands)
    allowtntdamage: false
    # Allow spawn egg use
    allowspawneggs: true
    # Allow animal breeding by visitors
    allowbreeding: false
    # Allow use of Flint & Steel by visitors
    allowfire: false
    # Allow chests to be blown up by creepers or TNT
    allowchestdamage: false
    # Allow leash use
    allowleashuse: false
    # Allow use of enchanting tables
    allowenchanting: true
    # Allow anvil use by visitors
    allowanviluse: true
    # Allow item drop by visitors
    allowvisitoritemdrop: true
    # Allow item pickup by visitors
    allowvisitoritempickup: true
    # Allow visitors to keep their items if they die
    allowvisitorkeepinvondeath: false
    # Allow armor stand use by visitors
    allowarmorstanduse: false
    # Allow beacon use by visitors
    allowbeaconaccess: false
    # Allow portal use by visitors
    allowportaluse: true

    # General Settings
    # Check for updates - this will tell Ops and the console if there is a new
    # version available. It contacts to request the latest version
    # info. It does not download the latest version or change any files
    checkupdates: true

    # Sea level height (don't changes this mid-game unless you delete the world)
    # Minimum is 0, which means you are playing sky block!
    # If sea level is less than about 10, then players will drop right through it
    # if it exists. Makes for an interesting variation on sky block.
    sealevel: 0

    # Island level - the height of the island.
    # Height should not be lower than sea level, but can be if you have an
    # island schematic that supports it
    # Lowest level is 5
    islandlevel: 120

    # Name of the world - if it does not exist then it will be generated
    worldName: ASkyBlock

    # Use the control panel as the default display for /island
    # /island will always create an island if one does not exist
    # If the control panel is not used, then /island will teleport the player home
    usecontrolpanel: true

    # Create Nether - if this is false, the nether world will not be made and access to
    # AcidIsland control of the nether will not occur. Other plugins may still enable
    # portal usage.
    # Note: Some challenges will not be possible if there is no nether.
    # Note that in AcidIsland, all players arrive at the same portal and entering a
    # portal will return them back to their islands.
    createnether: true

    # Try new island-style nether. Change to true
    # Still in Beta!
    newnether: false

    #How long a player must wait before they can reset their island again in second
    resetwait: 300

    #The number of seconds to wait for confirmation of a reset
    resetconfirmwait: 10

    #How long a player must wait until they can rejoin a team island after being
    #kicked in minutes. This slows the effectiveness of players repeating challenges
    #by repetitively being invited to a team island.
    invitewait: 60

    # Island level calculation cool down in seconds
    levelwait: 60

    #How many resets a player is allowed (override with /asadmin clearreset <player>
    #Value of -1 means unlimited, 0 means hardcore - no resets.
    #Example, 2 resets means they get 2 resets or 3 islands lifetime
    resetlimit: 2

    #Commands to run when the player resets their island (uncomment and customize)
    # [player] is the player name of who is reseting
    #- kit tools [player]
    - mail Theb741 [player] reset their island. :)

    # Commands to execute when player leaves a team, either by leaving or being kicked
    # Commands will execute even if the player is offline, so may cause errors in
    # the console if the commands doesn't make sense
    #- kit tools [player]

    # Ops receive damage from acid (Set to true if you want Ops to play properly)
    damageops: false

    # Acid damage to player per second by being in acid if they have no armor on.
    # A fully health player has 20 health points. Players will regen some health
    # so the default will give players about 3 seconds to get out the acid
    # 0 = no damage, 10 = default damage, 20 = instant death
    aciddamage: 0
    # Damage that monsters will experience.
    mobaciddamage: 0
    # Damage that rain does.
    raindamage: 0
    # Damage that animals will experience in acid.
    animaldamage: 0
    # Damage chickens in acid - true or false - chickens tend to go swimming...
    damagechickens: false

    # Damage type to apply in addition to acid damage
    # If you just want these to act, then make the acid damage 0 above
    # Note - these are potion effects and so can be cured by milk

    # Removing mobs - this kills all monsters in the vicinity. Benefit is that it helps
    # players return to their island if the island has been overrun by monsters
    # Con is that it kills any mob grinders
    # Remove mobs when logging in
    loginremovemobs: true

    # Remove mobs when /island
    islandremovemobs: false

    # Sets the limit for number of monsters that can spawn in a chunk in this world.
    # Note: If set to a negative number the world will use the server-wide spawn limit instead.
    # Max is 100
    monsterspawnlimit: 70

    #[integer] Sets the limit for number of animals that can spawn in a chunk in this world.
    # Note: If set to a negative number the world will use the server-wide spawn limit instead.
    # Max is 100
    animalspawnlimit: 15

    # Breeding limits - if this is set to more than 0, then players will not be able
    # to breed more animals than that number on their island. A value of zero means no
    # limit. Note that animals will not be killed or reduced to this limit.
    # This WILL affect mobspawn blocks AND monster egg use. Note that hearts will
    # still appear, but breeding will not happen.
    breedinglimit: 0

    #[integer] Sets the limit for number of water animals [squid] that can spawn in a chunk in this world.
    # Note: If set to a negative number the world will use the server-wide spawn limit instead.
    # Max is 100
    wateranimalspawnlimit: 15

    #[integer] Island below this level will be removed if they are abandoned and admins issue the purge command
    abandonedislandlevel: 10

    ##### Economy ######
    # Use economy or not. If true, an economy plugin is required. If false,
    # no money is used or give and the mini-shop is disabled.
    # If there is no economy plugin present anyway, money will be automatically
    # disabled.
    useeconomy: true

    # Reset Money - if this is true, will reset the player's money to
    # the starting money (see below) when they start an island or reset
    # Recommendation is that this is set to true, but if you run multi-worlds
    # make sure your economy handles multi-worlds too.
    resetmoney: false

    # Starting money - this is how much money new players will have as their
    # balance at the start of an island.
    startingmoney: 1000.00

    # Reset Challenges - if this is true, player's challenges will reset when they
    # reset an island
    resetchallenges: true

    # Reset inventory - if true, the player's inventory will be cleared when they start
    # or restart and island. Default is true.
    # Note: if you have MultiInv running or a similar inventory control plugin, that
    # plugin may still reset the inventory when the world changes.
    resetinventory: true

    # Reset Ender Chest - if true, the player's Ender Chest will be cleared when they
    # start or restart their island. Default is false.
    # NOTE: Ender Chests spawn worlds, so it will clear ALL chests. In general,
    # Enderchests should not be allowed in ASkyblock unless you only run the ASkyblock
    # world. Ender Chest crafting and use is governed by the askyblock.craft.enderchest
    # permission.
    resetenderchest: false

    # Nether spawn protection radius - this is the distance around the nether spawn
    # that will be protected from player interaction (breaking blocks, pouring lava etc.)
    # Minimum is 0 (not recommended), maximum is 100. Default is 25.
    # Only applies to standard nether.
    netherspawnradius: 25

    # Broadcast 1st time challenge completion messages to all players.
    # Change to false if the spam becomes too much.
    broadcastmessages: true

    # Allow /island teleport when falling. If set to false, all teleporting is
    # disabled until death from the void or until you hit something.
    # See commands that this will block too
    allowfallingteleport: true
    - home
    - spawn
    #- anotherCommand
    #- andAnotherOne

    # Remove non-repeatable challenges from the challenge GUI when complete
    removecompleteonetimechallenges: false

    # Add enchanted glow to completed challenges (does not work with all clients)
    # Also currently adds an "enchanted" line of text...
    addcompletedglow: true

    # Use physics when pasting schematic blocks. If this is false, then blocks
    # like water will not flow from the schematic
    usephysics: false

    # Calculate level on login
    # If true, the plugin will run the level command for the player when they login
    # If the command is busy, it will fail silently
    loginlevel: false

    # Maximum number of homes a player can have
    # Accessed via sethome <number> or go <number>
    maxhomes: 5

    # Make island if player teleports to the island world and does not have one
    makeislandifnone: true

    # Immediately teleport player to their island (home 1 if it exists) when
    # entering the world
    immediateteleport: true

    # Set TEAMSUFFIX variable to player's island level
    # If true, this will set the server TEAMNAME variable to the player's name and
    # TEAMSUFFIX to the player's island level.
    # Use in chat. e.g., for essentials chat, the format could be:
    # format: '<{DISPLAYNAME}> (Level {TEAMSUFFIX}): {MESSAGE}'
    # <tastybento> (Level: 223): hi there
    # If you have other plugins that use scoreboards/teams, this may mess with them
    setteamsuffix: false
    # What you want the suffix to be. [level] is substituted for the player's level
    teamsuffix: "([level])"

    # Config.yml version. DO NOT EDIT. This number only changes if the latest
    # plugin config has been updated. If a new config is detected, it will be
    # auto-saved to
    version: 2.9.2

    # Spawn protection options - different to regular islands
    # The following are recommended to be true at spawn
    allowdooruse: true
    allowleverbuttonuse: true
    allowchestaccess: true
    allowfurnaceuse: true
    allowmusic: true
    allowcrafting: true
    allowbrewing: true
    allowgateuse: true
    allowanimalspawn: true
    allowmobkilling: true
    allowenchanting: true
    allowanviluse: true

    # The following are recommended to be false at spawn, but you can change
    allowbreakblocks: true
    allowplaceblocks: true
    allowredstone: false
    allowanimalkilling: false
    allowmobspawn: false
    allowbeaconaccess: false
    allowspawneggs: false
    alloweggs: false
    # The following stops water above sea level from being acid at spawn if acid is active
    allowspawnnoacidwater: false

    # This section contains the biomes that can be bought or used
    # The default cost for changing biome. Can be over-ridden by the Biome settings
    # Default is 100 if this is not set. Cannot be <0.
    defaultcost: 100

    # Default biome - what every player will start with. Default is PLAINS. See below
    # for other options
    defaultbiome: PLAINS

    # List of biomes and their settings.
    # Cost - cost in currency to change to that biome
    # permission - the permission required to use that biome
    # If the biome is not listed, it is not available
    # icon = icon used in control panel
    # friendlyname = A friendly name for the biome. If it does not exist, the official
    # biome name will be used with pretty formatting. Mostly this is just used to convert
    # Hell to Nether
    # description = a description of the biome and what it gives the player
    # remove ice/water/snow - will be done once when the biome is made

    icon: SAPLING
    description: "Snowy and cold. Brrr."
    # Perms can be any string you like!
    icon: DEAD_BUSH
    description: "A dry desert. Warning - Ice or snow have to go."
    icon: RED_ROSE
    description: "The place for flowers!"
    icon: LAVA_BUCKET
    cost: 1000
    # Note, this permission can be anything you like
    permission: askyblock.biomes.hell
    friendlyname: Nether
    description: "Warning - all water, snow and ice will be removed."
    icon: VINE
    description: "Lush jungle. Warning - Ice or snow have to go."
    icon: RED_MUSHROOM
    # Note, this permission can be anything you like
    permission: askyblock.biomes.mushoom_island
    description: "Mushroom island"
    icon: GRASS
    description: Plain plains!
    cost: 0
    icon: WATER_LILY
    description: "Swampy. Warning - Ice or snow have to go."
    icon: HARD_CLAY
    description: "Rare dry, desert biome. Warning - Ice or snow have to go."
    cost: 500
    icon: LONG_GRASS
    description: "Flat and dry, no rain. Warning - Ice or snow have to go."
    icon: LOG
    description: "Black forest"

    # All schematics should be put in the schematics folder

    # Schematic panel - if more than one schematic is available to the player
    # Show a panel to choose. If this is false, no panel is shown and the starter
    # island is picked by permission. If a player has more than one permission
    # the island selected is undefined - the plugin will pick one.
    useschematicspanel: true

    # This section lists all the schematics available
    # You can add or remove from this list. If this section is missing, only the default
    # island works.
    # default heading is required
    # Icon - if this is missing or wrong, it will be a MAP
    icon: DIRT
    # Short name - color codes with & okay
    name: "The Original"
    # Longer description. Use | for new lines. Color codes okay.
    description: "Challenging|starter|island!"
    # Filename of the schematic in the schematic folder
    filename: island.schematic
    # Use default chest if true, or use schematic chest contents if false
    useDefaultChest: true
    # Additional heading names can be anything you like, but must be unique
    # Credit to Antal1609 for this schematic!
    icon: RED_ROSE
    name: "Island Duo"
    description: "Two close islands!|Double the fun,|but a little easier.|&a[Credit] Antal1609"
    filename: double.schematic
    # Schematics can have biomes set when they are created
    biome: FLOWER_FOREST
    useDefaultChest: true
    icon: OBSIDIAN
    name: "&lBlack &bDiamonds"
    description: "Experts only!|&aMinimal resources|&awith a few diamonds."
    filename: hard.schematic
    useDefaultChest: false
    # Schematics that require water or lava to hover can prevent physics when pasting
    usephysics: false

  2. Offline


    @schilligb741 Acid and skyblock both have a worldguard build in which changes to the normal small region when you do /acid setspawn or /island setspawn(if you use both those are the commands) else /is works just fine but first loadup you must set the world spawn before anyone can build that is not op or doesnt have the permission to build anywhere which i believe is ASkyblock.mod.bypass can be wrong but i found that out during setting up the acid part of the 2
  3. Offline


    Can I create a spawn above or below my island for the world? Or use my island?
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